Find the solutions\answers in this video for the below questions : 1)Which of the following sequence data type is defined by enclosing the elements in parentheses ‘()’? 2)Which of the following statement is not valid about Numpy ‘Arrays’? 3)The command to access the last element from the array “a” is__ import array as arr a = arr.array('d', [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) 4)Create an array ‘x’ with values 0 to 9 and find what is the command to extract the elements in the following sequence - array ([5,3,1])? 5)What will be the output after executing the following codes? x=(0,8,9,15,17,18) y=slice(1,-2) 6)The method used to increase the length of the list by number of elements in its argument. 7)The function that returns the indices of the sorted elements. 8)Create two tuples tuple=(2,4,6,3,7) tuple1=(1,2,3) Find out which of the following code does not work on a tuple 9)The command to find the number of elements in the following array “N” is import numpy as np N=np.array([24, None , 29, 'str', np.nan, 23,20,(),[], ...]) 10)Which of the following is not a valid syntax for creating a Set ‘M’ in Python? M = set([11,12],[13,14],[14,15]) 11)What will be the output after executing the following codes? S={12,13,14,15} S.intersection_update({17,13,14,16}) print(S) 12)Which of the following command returns the set of all elements from both sets, a and b? 13)What will be the output of ndarray.ndim attribute? 14)For dictionary d = {“plum ":0.66, "pears ":1.25,"oranges ":0.50, “apple”:0.75 }, which of the following statement correctly updates the price of oranges to 0.90? 15)Which of the following command(s) is/are used to join arrays? 16)What will be the output of the dictionary ‘c’? 17)The output of the code given below is n = [x*x for x in range(4)] print(n) 18)The output of the code given below is list = [2, 4, 6, 8] a = (x**3 for x in list) print(next(a)) 19)Which of the following is not possible in sequence datatypes? 20)Which of the following commands will give you a new numpy array with Boolean values? ======================================================= Subscribe jaganInfo channel to get more related videos. Thanks for your support to make more videos. ========================================================
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Saturday, March 28, 2020
2020- NPTEL Python for Data Science Assignment 2 solutions| 100% correct...
Find the solutions\answers in this video for the below questions : 1)Which of the following sequence data type is defined by enclosing the elements in parentheses ‘()’? 2)Which of the following statement is not valid about Numpy ‘Arrays’? 3)The command to access the last element from the array “a” is__ import array as arr a = arr.array('d', [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) 4)Create an array ‘x’ with values 0 to 9 and find what is the command to extract the elements in the following sequence - array ([5,3,1])? 5)What will be the output after executing the following codes? x=(0,8,9,15,17,18) y=slice(1,-2) 6)The method used to increase the length of the list by number of elements in its argument. 7)The function that returns the indices of the sorted elements. 8)Create two tuples tuple=(2,4,6,3,7) tuple1=(1,2,3) Find out which of the following code does not work on a tuple 9)The command to find the number of elements in the following array “N” is import numpy as np N=np.array([24, None , 29, 'str', np.nan, 23,20,(),[], ...]) 10)Which of the following is not a valid syntax for creating a Set ‘M’ in Python? M = set([11,12],[13,14],[14,15]) 11)What will be the output after executing the following codes? S={12,13,14,15} S.intersection_update({17,13,14,16}) print(S) 12)Which of the following command returns the set of all elements from both sets, a and b? 13)What will be the output of ndarray.ndim attribute? 14)For dictionary d = {“plum ":0.66, "pears ":1.25,"oranges ":0.50, “apple”:0.75 }, which of the following statement correctly updates the price of oranges to 0.90? 15)Which of the following command(s) is/are used to join arrays? 16)What will be the output of the dictionary ‘c’? 17)The output of the code given below is n = [x*x for x in range(4)] print(n) 18)The output of the code given below is list = [2, 4, 6, 8] a = (x**3 for x in list) print(next(a)) 19)Which of the following is not possible in sequence datatypes? 20)Which of the following commands will give you a new numpy array with Boolean values? ======================================================= Subscribe jaganInfo channel to get more related videos. Thanks for your support to make more videos. ========================================================
NPTEL Python for Data Science Assignment 3 answers | 2020 Week 3 |99.9% ...
1)Pandas features a number of functions for reading data as a DataFrame object. Which of the following commands are valid? 2)Which of the following is a valid indexing option with DataFrames? 3)Which of the following function allows the use of ‘Lambda expression’ while querying the data? 4)While reading comma-separated values (csv) file into DataFrame., which of the following will be used to set the first column as the index column? 5)Read the given dataset “Tips.csv” as a dataframe “Data”. Which of the following command(s) is/are correct to extract the columns in the following sequence - Time, TotalBill, Tips? 6)Read the given excel sheet ‘Tips1.xlsx’ as a dataframe ‘Data1’. Identify which of the following command (s) is/are correct to merge the two data frames ‘Data’ and ‘Data1’ by columns? 7)Copy the 'Data2' dataframe as 'Data3' (Data3 = Data2.copy()) and identify the command to find the total tips received across Day’s from the dataframe ‘Data3’? 8)Copy the 'Data2' dataframe as 'Data3' (Data3 = Data2.copy()) and find which of the following command (s) gives the count of the Time (‘Dinner' or 'Lunch') across gender? 9)Which of the following plot is a visual representation of the statistical five-number summary of a data? 10)Which of the following statement is not true about histograms? 11)If you have column with categorical variables, which will be the appropriate method to fill in the NaN’s present in the column? 12)Which of the following is not the right command to fill NaN values? 13)For the given dataframe “Data3” plot a histogram for the variable ‘TotalBill’ to check which range has the highest frequency 14)For the given dataframe “Data3” draw a bar chart for the variable “Day”. Identify the category with the maximum count 15)Find the mean of the ‘TotalBill’, ‘Tips’ and ‘Size’ across Days from the dataframe ‘Data3’? 16)On which day sum of the total bill was maximum? 17)What will be the output of ‘a’ and ‘b’? 18) n Pandas library, Dataframe class provides a member function to find duplicate rows based on all columns. Identify the right option. 19)What does the following command do? df.dropna(axis=0, how='all') ? 20)Correlation between two variables X&Y is 0.85. Now, after adding the value 2 to all the values of X, the correlation co-efficient will be --------------------- Practice Assignment 3 --------------------- 1) Which of the following can be inferred from scatter plot of ‘mpg’ (Miles per gallon) vs ‘wt’ (Weight of car) from the dataset mtcars.csv? Answer : a) As weight of the car increases, the mpg decreases 2) Plot a boxplot for “price” vs “cut” from the dataset “diamond.csv”. Which of the categories under “cut” have the highest median price? Answer : d) Fair 3) In the churn.csv dataframe, what are the total no. of missing values for the variable TotalCharges? Answer : c) 15 4) The command used for line plot from the package Matplotlib? Answer : a) plot() 5) The probability of two different events occurring at the same time is known as Answer : c) Joint probability
Sainik School 2020 Entrance Exam English Class 6 Question and Answers
This video contains solutions to All India Sainik School Entrance Exam 2020 class 6 for English Grammar questions with answers
You can get Sainik School Entrance Exam 2020 General knowledge questions from the below link:
Sainik School Entrance Exam General Knowledge Class 6 Question and Answers
This video contains solutions to All India sainik school entrance exam 2020 class 6 for General knowledge questions.
You can get Sainik School Entrance Exam 2020 English Grammar questions from the below link:
The following G.K questions answered in this video. Please watch , like and subscribe.
1) Which is biggest desert in the world?
2)Manas national park is located in the state of?
3)which of these grows from the roots ?
4)Sahyadris is also known as?
5)The gas filled in a weather balloons is
6)Growing children need more of
7)Which gas is dissolved under pressure in soft drinks?
8)who is the lowest ranked Air force officer among these
9) which of the following is a national festival
10)Dr.Amartya Sen won Nobel Prize in which field
11) The imaginnary line drawn half way between Nort Pole and South Pole
12) The largest Island in the world is
13) The coldest place in world, lying in the south frigid zone is
14) who invented telephone in 1876
15)'Ghoomar' is a popular folk dance of which of the folowing state
16)Black soil is also known as
17) PV sindhu is associated with which sports
18) The space programmer of Govt of india is looked after by
19) Bhakranangal project is built on the river
20) who is known as a Iron Man of India
21) The longest river in south india is
22) which planet is known as moorning star as well as evening star
23) which article of constitution provides indian citizen Right to Equality
24) Narora nuclear power plant is located in the state of
25) which of the following diseases spreads through contaminated food and water
Friday, March 27, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Data Visualization using python libraries | matplotlib I Seaborn | plotl...
Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message.
Types of Data Visualizations :
Python Visualisation Libraries
• Matplotlib
• Pandas built-in plotting
• ggpy
• Altair
• Seaborn
• Plotly
• Bokeh
• HoloViews
• VisPy
• Lightning
Visualization methods :
It is commonly used at the initial stage of data exploration i.e. when we get started with understanding the variable. Variables are of two types: Continuous and Categorical. For continuous variable, we look at the center, spread, outlier. For categorical variable we look at frequency table.
Histogram : It is used for showing the distribution of continuous variables.
Box-Plot : It is used to display full range of variation from min to max and useful to identify outlier values.
It is used to compare values across different categories.
Common charts to represent these information are Bar and Line chart.
Bar Chart : It is used to compare values across different categories
Line Chart : It is used to compare values over quantitative variable
It is used to show distribution of a variable across categories of another variable
Pie Chart : It can be created by passing the values representing each of the slices of the pie.
It is widely used to understand the correlation between two or more continuous variables
Scatter Plot : It clearly shows the relationship between two variables
Demo 1 : Basic Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Demo 2 : Basic Plot Legend Title Labels
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x,y = [1,2,4],[5,7,4]
x2,y2 = [1,2,5],[8,11,5]
plt.plot(x,y, label = "Firstline")
plt.plot(x2,y2, label = "Secondline")
plt.xlabel('X-axis label')
plt.ylabel('Y-axis label')
plt.title('Graph Title')
Demo 3 : Bar Chart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [2,4,6,8,10]
y = [6,7,8,2,4]
x2 = [1,3,5,7,9]
y2 = [7,8,2,4,2], y, label="FirstBar", color='lightblue'), y2, label="SecondBar", color='c')
plt.xlabel('Bar Number')
plt.ylabel('Bar Height')
plt.title('Graph: Two Bars')
Demo 4 : Hist Chart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
population_ages = [22,55,62,45,21,22,34,42,42,4,99,102,110,120,122,130,111,151,115,112,80,75,65,54,44,42,48]
bins = [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120]
plt.hist(population_ages, bins , histtype='bar', rwidth=0.8)
plt.title('Graph: Hist Chart')
Demo 5 : Scatter Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
y = [5,2,4,2,1,4,5,2]
plt.scatter(x,y,label='skitcat', color='r',s=250)
# google matplotlib marker option
plt.scatter(x,y,label='skitcat', color='r',s=200, marker = '*')
plt.title('Graph: Scatter Plot')
Demo 6 : Stack Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
days = [1,2,3,4,5]
sleeping = [7,8,6,11,7]
eating = [2,3,4,3,2]
working = [7,8,7,2,2]
playing = [8,5,7,8,13]
plt.plot([],[],color = 'm',label = 'sleeping')
plt.plot([],[],color = 'c',label = 'eating')
plt.plot([],[],color = 'r',label = 'working')
plt.plot([],[],color = 'y',label = 'playing') # linewidth
plt.stackplot(days,sleeping,eating,working,playing ,colors =['m','c','r','y'])
plt.title('Graph: Stack Plot')
Demo 7 : Pie Charts
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
days = [1,2,3,4,5]
sleeping = [7,8,6,11,7]
eating = [2,3,4,3,2]
working = [7,8,7,2,2]
playing = [8,5,7,8,13]
slices = [7,2,2,13]
activities = ['sleeping','eating','working','playing']
cols = ['m','c','r','g']
plt.pie(slices, labels = activities, colors=cols)
# startangle , shadow= , explode , autopct
plt.title('Graph: Pie Chart')
Demo 8 : Load Data from Files
import numpy as np
x, y = np.loadtxt('DemoData.txt', delimiter=',', unpack=True)
plt.plot(x,y, label='Loaded from file!')
plt.title('Graph : Load Data from File')
Demo 9 : Live Graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib import style
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
def animate(i):
graph_data = open('DemoData.txt','r').read()
lines = graph_data.split('\n')
xaxis = []
yaxis = []
for line in lines:
if len(line) greaterthan 1:
x, y =line.split(',')
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1000)
Saturday, March 21, 2020
could not initialize photoshop because the scratch disks are full
<iframe width="480" height="270" src="
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Non proctored Solutions Python for Data Science Question and Answers
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Week Assignments Answers
NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Week Assignments Answers
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Monday, March 01, 2010
Logica CMG Sharepoint Interview Questions
1.Advantages of infopath?
2.What iS the primary datasource for infopath form template?
3.Why shoud we go for content types?
4.On which location the Content Database is stored ?
5.Can we access content database or can we query content database?
6.How can we use User controls in Sharepoint site?
7.Web part lifecycle when the events will fire?
8.When the Webpart dll is placed in web application bin directory? How can we use that?
9.Difference between Webparts and user controls?
10.Difference between Webparts and InfoPath?
11.Difference between Site pages and Application pages? Which is the best ?
12.Types of workflows? What is the difference between sequential workflows and state machine workflows?
13.What is the default document size we can upload? Where we can change this in central admin?
14.Where to set Alerts in central admin application?
15.How caching implemented in sharepoint?
16.What are default roles added to site?
17.What is Ghosting and UnGhosting?
18.What are synchronous events and asynchronous events?
19.What are event receivers?
20.without coding how to restrict all the views while selecting ? it should not able to see in the list
21.What are group policies? Which policy can be added in the list (expiration policy,custom policy and many other policies)
21.Practical Question : in share point portal employees information is maintained. when he resigns, his data should be deleted after 4 years from the data of resignation? How can it be done.And suppose there is a criminal case on the employee, and police have asked details of that employee after 3 years and 364 days(i. e….. 1 day before 4th year. Now we don’t want to delete that employee details? What should we do? If the portal is on live? What would be the best choice? We should rewrite code or any other option?
2.What iS the primary datasource for infopath form template?
3.Why shoud we go for content types?
4.On which location the Content Database is stored ?
5.Can we access content database or can we query content database?
6.How can we use User controls in Sharepoint site?
7.Web part lifecycle when the events will fire?
8.When the Webpart dll is placed in web application bin directory? How can we use that?
9.Difference between Webparts and user controls?
10.Difference between Webparts and InfoPath?
11.Difference between Site pages and Application pages? Which is the best ?
12.Types of workflows? What is the difference between sequential workflows and state machine workflows?
13.What is the default document size we can upload? Where we can change this in central admin?
14.Where to set Alerts in central admin application?
15.How caching implemented in sharepoint?
16.What are default roles added to site?
17.What is Ghosting and UnGhosting?
18.What are synchronous events and asynchronous events?
19.What are event receivers?
20.without coding how to restrict all the views while selecting ? it should not able to see in the list
21.What are group policies? Which policy can be added in the list (expiration policy,custom policy and many other policies)
21.Practical Question : in share point portal employees information is maintained. when he resigns, his data should be deleted after 4 years from the data of resignation? How can it be done.And suppose there is a criminal case on the employee, and police have asked details of that employee after 3 years and 364 days(i. e….. 1 day before 4th year. Now we don’t want to delete that employee details? What should we do? If the portal is on live? What would be the best choice? We should rewrite code or any other option?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Mail Server Settings
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings for Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, GMail, MSN,Lycos , AOL , , Netscape Internet Service Mail ,Tiscali Mail , Freeserve Mail ,Supanet Mail and moreinfo...
Mail Server Settings
# Hotmail Settings
As other web based email services, Hotmail is using the HTTP protocol for connecting you to your mailbox. If you want to send and receive Hotmail emails using an email client software, then your software must support Hotmail HTTP access for your email account. Some email clients, such as Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook, offer builtin support for Hotmail accounts, so you only have to select HTTP when you are asked to select your email account type and select Hotmail as the HTTP Mail Service Provider.
Mail Server Settings for Hotmail using the Microsoft Outlook Connector
If you are using Microsoft Outlook & the Outlook Connector, you can define your Hotmail account just like any regular POP3 email account:
Hotmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (logon using Secure Password Authentification - SPA, mail server port: 995)
Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 25)
# Yahoo! Mail Settings
Yahoo Mail offers standard POP3 access for receiving emails incoming through your Yahoo mailbox, by using your favorite email client software. To setup your email client for working with your Yahoo account, you need to select the POP3 protocol and use the following mail server settings:
Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (port 25)
POP Yahoo! Mail Plus email server settings
Yahoo Plus Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)
Yahoo Plus Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 465, use authentication)
# Google GMail Settings
The Google GMail service offers email client access for retrieving and sending emails through your Gmail account. However, for security reasons, GMail uses POP3 over an SSL connection, so make sure your email client supports encrypted SSL connections.
Google Gmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)
Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or (SSL enabled, port 465)
# MSN Mail Settings
The MSN email service allows you to use the MSN POP3 and SMTP servers to access your MSN mailbox.
MSN Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110, using Secure Password Authentication - SPA)
MSN Outgoing Mail Server - (select "My outgoing server requires authentication")
# Lycos Mail Settings
The Lycos Mail Plus service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Lycos mailbox.
Lycos Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# AOL Mail Settings
The AOL email service is a web based system, designed for managing your AOL mailbox via HTTP IMAP access. Unlike Hotmail, you can use any email client to access your AOL mailbox, as long as it supports the IMAP protocol.
AOL Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) - (port 143)
AOL Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Mail Settings
The email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your mailbox. Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Netscape Internet Service Mail Settings
The Netscape e-mail system is web-based, which means you can access their e-mail from any Internet connection. Netscape Internet Service also supports AOL® Communicator, Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and other POP3 e-mail software. The outgoing mail server needs SSL support, so make sure your email client software supports SSL connections over the SMTP protocol.
Netscape Internet Service Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Netscape Internet Service Outgoing Mail Server - (port 25, using a secure SSL connection)
# Tiscali Mail Settings
The Tiscali email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Tiscali mailbox.
Tiscali Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Freeserve Mail Settings
The Freeserve email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Freeserve mailbox.
Freeserve Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Supanet Mail Settings
The Supanet email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Supanet mailbox.
Supanet Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server , Netscape Internet Service Mail ,Tiscali Mail , Freeserve Mail ,Supanet Mail and moreinfo...
Mail Server Settings
# Hotmail Settings
As other web based email services, Hotmail is using the HTTP protocol for connecting you to your mailbox. If you want to send and receive Hotmail emails using an email client software, then your software must support Hotmail HTTP access for your email account. Some email clients, such as Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook, offer builtin support for Hotmail accounts, so you only have to select HTTP when you are asked to select your email account type and select Hotmail as the HTTP Mail Service Provider.
Mail Server Settings for Hotmail using the Microsoft Outlook Connector
If you are using Microsoft Outlook & the Outlook Connector, you can define your Hotmail account just like any regular POP3 email account:
Hotmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (logon using Secure Password Authentification - SPA, mail server port: 995)
Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 25)
# Yahoo! Mail Settings
Yahoo Mail offers standard POP3 access for receiving emails incoming through your Yahoo mailbox, by using your favorite email client software. To setup your email client for working with your Yahoo account, you need to select the POP3 protocol and use the following mail server settings:
Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (port 25)
POP Yahoo! Mail Plus email server settings
Yahoo Plus Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)
Yahoo Plus Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 465, use authentication)
# Google GMail Settings
The Google GMail service offers email client access for retrieving and sending emails through your Gmail account. However, for security reasons, GMail uses POP3 over an SSL connection, so make sure your email client supports encrypted SSL connections.
Google Gmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)
Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or (SSL enabled, port 465)
# MSN Mail Settings
The MSN email service allows you to use the MSN POP3 and SMTP servers to access your MSN mailbox.
MSN Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110, using Secure Password Authentication - SPA)
MSN Outgoing Mail Server - (select "My outgoing server requires authentication")
# Lycos Mail Settings
The Lycos Mail Plus service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Lycos mailbox.
Lycos Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# AOL Mail Settings
The AOL email service is a web based system, designed for managing your AOL mailbox via HTTP IMAP access. Unlike Hotmail, you can use any email client to access your AOL mailbox, as long as it supports the IMAP protocol.
AOL Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) - (port 143)
AOL Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Mail Settings
The email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your mailbox. Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Netscape Internet Service Mail Settings
The Netscape e-mail system is web-based, which means you can access their e-mail from any Internet connection. Netscape Internet Service also supports AOL® Communicator, Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and other POP3 e-mail software. The outgoing mail server needs SSL support, so make sure your email client software supports SSL connections over the SMTP protocol.
Netscape Internet Service Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Netscape Internet Service Outgoing Mail Server - (port 25, using a secure SSL connection)
# Tiscali Mail Settings
The Tiscali email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Tiscali mailbox.
Tiscali Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Freeserve Mail Settings
The Freeserve email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Freeserve mailbox.
Freeserve Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
# Supanet Mail Settings
The Supanet email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Supanet mailbox.
Supanet Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
BSNL Examination Question Paper
BSNL GE-JTO Recruitment Examination
Test Paper - VIII
1. When a inductive coil connected to a 200 V, 50Hz ac supply with 10A current flowing through it dissipates 1000 watts then which of the following will have least value in ohms-
a.) Resistance
b.) Reactance
c.) Impedance
d.) None
2 Oscillator crystal are made of –
a.) Silicon
b.) Germanium
c.) Quartz
d.) None
3. For small size, high frequency coils, the most common core material is-
a. )Air
b. )Ferrite
c.) Powdered ion
d.) Steel
4. If we have a parallel plate capacitor of plate area 'A' and plate separatoin t and having a capacity C and a metallic plate r of area A and of negligible thickness is introduced in thecapacitor at a distance from either of the two plates as shown in the given figure then the capacity of the capacitor will become –
5. A superconductor is a –
a.)A material showing perfect conductivity and Meissner effect below a critical temperature
b.)A conductor having zero resistance
c.)A perfect conductor with highest di-magnetic susceptibility
d.)A perfect conductor which becomes resistance when the current density through it exceeds a critical value
6. When an inductor tunes at 200 KHz with 624 pF capacitor and at 600 KHz with 60.4 pF capacitor then the self capacitance of the inductor would be –
a)8.05 pF
7. Sparking occur when a load is switched off because the circuit has high –
8. Sparking between contacts can be reduced by inserting a –
a.)Resistance in the line
b.)Capacitor in series with contacts
c.)Capacitor in parallel with contacts
9. RF amplifier of an A.M. receiver is normally biased in –
a.)Class 'A'
b.)Class 'b'
c.)Class 'C'
10. The value of gate voltage for the operation of enhancement of only N channel MOSFET has to be –
a.)High positive
b.)High negative
c.)Low positive
11. The input gate current of a FET is –
a.)a few microamperes
b.)negligibly small
c.)a few milliamperes
d.)a few amperes
12. In the following fig. with R = 30k, the value of current through 2 K resistor is –
a.)25 mA
b.)40 mA
c.)25/16 mA
d.)10 mA
13. A step recovery diode –
a.)has on extremely short recovery time
b.)conducts equally well in both directions
c.)is mainly used as a harmonic generator
d.)is an ideal rectifiers of high frequency signals
14. In order to get maximum undistorted output signal from CE amplifier with VCC 10V, the value of VCE (Q) should be approximately-
d) V
15. In a FET the electrode, which corresponds to collector in bipolar transistor, is –
16. The device which acts like an NPN and a PNP transistor connected base to base and emitter to collector is –
17. A typical optical fibre has –
a.)High refractive index core and low refractive index cladding
b.)Low refractive index core and high refractive index cladding
c.)Both a and b
18. In the following figure circuit diagram of an op-amp based is shown. The ratio is equal to –
19. When a loud speaker is connected across the terminals A and B of the network shown in the fig. then its impedance to obtain maximum power dissipation in it will be –
a.)3 – j1
b.)3 + j9
c.)7.5 + j 2.5
d.)7.5 – j 2.5
BSNL Recruitment Exam Question Paper with sample aptitude / reasoning / technical questions free download here. Answers key / solutions coming shortly!
20. In the lattice network, the value of R for the maximum power transfer to the load –
21. For a lossy transmission line short circuited at the receiving end, the input impedance is given by (Z0 is the characteristic impedance, Ö is the propagation constant and l is the length of the line-
a.)Z0 cot h Öl
b.)Z0 cot Öl
c.)Z0 tan h.Ö l
d.) Z0 tan Öl
22. The approximate thickness of the radome wall should be –
23 A relatively permanent information is stored in
a. )ROM
d.)Volatile memory
24. The rise time of the RC network shown in the given figure is approximately equal to –
b.) RC
c.) 2RC
d.) 4RC
25. If in the network shown in the fig. initially a steady state is attained by closing the switch 's' and then if the switch is opened at t = 0, then the current i(t) through the inductor will be –
a.) cos50tA
b.) 2A
c.) 2cos100tA
d.) 2sin50tA
26. When the p network of figure – I and T-network of figure – II are equivalent then the values of R1, R2 and R3 will be respectively –
a) 9W, 6W and 6W
b.) 6W, 6W and 9W
c.) 9W, 6W and 9W
d.) 6W, 9W and 6W
27. When the impedance matrices of a two port networks are given by and , then if these two networks are connected in series then the impedance matrix of the resulting two-port network will be –
d.) indeterminate
28. Joule/coulomb is the unit of -
a.) Electric field potential
b.) Potential
c .) Charge
d.) None of the above
29. The electric field line and equipotential lines-
a.) Are parallel to each other
b.)Are one and same
c.) Cut each other orthogonally
d.)Can be inclined to each other at any angle
30. For a lossy transmission line short circuited at the receiving end, the input impedance is given by (When Z0 is the characteristic impendence g is the propagation constant and L is the length of the line
31. When two equal positive point charges are placed along X- axis at X1 and –X1 respectively then the electric field vector at a point P on the positive Y-axis will be directed-
a.) In the +x direction
b.) In the –x direction
c. ) In the +y direction
d.) In the –y direction
32. The directions of and in TEM mode transmission line with respect to the direction of propagation are-
a.) Both and are transverse to the direction of propagation
b.) is and are transverse and h has a component in the direction of propagation
c.) is entirely transverse and has a component in the direction of propagation
d.) is entirely transverse and has a component in the direction of propagation
33. The lowest TM mode in a rectangular waveguide of cross –section a x b with a>b will be-
a.) TM01
c.) TM112
34. When a transmitter in a free space radiates a mean power of ‘p’ watts uniformly in all directions then at a distance d sufficiently far from the source in plane the electric field E should be related to p and d as –
35. When a dipole antenna was radiating with some excitation in free space radiating a certain amount of the power v if then this antenna is immersed in a lake where water is non-dissipative but has a dielectric constant of 81, then the radiated power with the same excitation will be
a.) Decrease to finite non-zero value
b.)Remain the same
c. )Increase
d.)Decrease to zero
36. When a (75 – j40)W load is connected to a coaxial line of Z0 = 75 W at 6MHz then the load matching on the line can be accomplished by connecting-
a.) A short – circuited stub at the load
b.)An inductance at the load
c. )A short circuited stub at a specific distance from the load
d.)none of the above
37. As compared to analog multimeters, digital multimeters are –
a.) less accurate
b.) more accurate
c.) equally accurate
d.) none.
38. When a signal of 10 mV at 75 MHz is to be measured then which of the following instruments can be used –
a.) VTVM
b.) Cathode ray oscilloscope
c.) Moving iron voltmeter
d.) Digital multimeter
39. Which of the following statement is true about two wattmeter method for power measurement in three phase current ?
a.) power can be measured using two wattmeter method only for star connected three phase circuits.
b.) when two meter show indentical readings, in the power factor is 0.5.
c.) when power factor is unit, one of the wattmeter reads zero
d.) when the reading of the two wattmeters are equal but of opposite sign, then the power factor is zero –
BSNL recruitment / placement examination paper for previous years 2007 2008 2009 sample aptitude / reasoning / technical questions free download here. Answers key / solutions coming soon!
40. When a capacitance transducer has two plates of area 5cm2 each, separated by an air gap of 2mm than the displacement sensitivity in pf/cm due to gap change would be –
a.) 11.1
b.) 44.2
c.) 52.3
d.) 66.3
41. The Q of a radio coil –
a.) is independent of frequency
b.) increases monotonically as frequency increases
c.) decreases monotonically as frequency increases
d.) increases upto a certain frequency and then decreases beyond that frequency
42. When a generator of internal impedance and operating at 1GHz feeds a load via a coaxial line of characteristic impedance 50 ohm then the voltage wave ratio on the feed line is –
a.) 0.5
b.) 1.5
c.) 2.5
d.) 1.75
43. The coding system typically used in digital telemetry is –
a.) PPM (pulse position modulation)
b.) PAM (pulse amplitude modulation)
c.) PCM (pulse code modulation)
d.) PDM (pulse duration modulation)
44. Radiation pyrometers are used for the measurement of temperature in the range of –
a.) -2000C to 5000C
b.) 00C to 5000C
c.) 5000C to 12000C
d.) 12000C to 25000C
45. In the given figure band structure is shown. It is of –
a.) Gallium Avesenide (GaAs)
b.) Silicon (Si)
c.) Copper (Cu)
d.) Germanium (Ge)
46. When anode is positive with respect to cathode in an SCR, the numbers of blocked p-n junction is –
a.) 1
b.) 2
c.) 3
d.) 4
47. The circuit symbol for a GTO is
a. b.
c. d.
48. In the given fig. mark out the type of Cyclo converters
a.) 1 phase to 1 phase with continuous conduction
b.) 1 phase to 1 phase with discontinuous conduction
c.) step up device
d.) 3 phase to 1 phase device
49. In the given fig. A-1, C=5, m H and C=20 m F, C is initially charged to 200 V. After the switch.
S is closed at t = 0 the
maximum value of current and the
time at which it reaches this value are respectively.
a.) 400 A, 15.707 mS
b.) 50 A, 30 mS
c.) 100 A, 62.828 mS
d.) 400 A, 31.414 mS
50. In the given circuit the maximum current in the main SCR M can be-
a.) 200 A
b.) 170.7 A
c.) 141.4 A
d.) 70.7 A
51. The transfer function of an amplifier is given by
The high 3-db frequency of the amplifier will approximately
a.) 5850 KHZ
b.)585 KHZ
c.) 5850 HZ
52. In comparison to full wave rectifier with two diodes the four divide bridge rectifier has the dominant advantage of -
a). Higher current carrying
b.)Lower ripple factor
c.) Higher efficiency
d.)Lower peak increase voltage require
53. Power output increase in a class-c amplifier-
a.) If the conduction angle decrease
b).If the conduction angle increase
c.) Are not governed by the conduction angle
d.)None of the above
54. A transistor with hie = 1.5 k and hfe = 75 is used in an emitter follower circuit where R1 and R2 are used for normal biasing . Approximate value of it’s current amplification is-
55. Amplifier of class B has high theoretical efficiency of 78.5 percent because-
a.) It is biased almost to saturation
b.)Its quiescent current is low
c.)It’s output is an exact replica of it’s input
d.)It is biased well below cut off
56. The coupling that produces minimum interference with frequency response is-
a.) Direct coupling
b.)Impedance coupling
c.) R C coupling
d.)Transformer coupling
57. In the circuit shown in the given figure Rf provides
a.) Current series feedback
b.)Current shunt feedback
c.) Voltage series feedback
d.)Voltage shunt feedback
58. Mark the correct relation for the junction transistor
59. Data in the serial form can be converted into parallel form by using –
a.) PISO shift register
b.) SOIP shift register
c.) SIPO shift register
d.) POIS shift register
60. PROMs are used to store-
a.) bulk information
b.) information to be accessed rarely
c.) sequence information
d.) relatively permanent information
61. The horizontal axis in a 3 bit unipolar D/A converter represents-
a.) Output bit combination
b.) analog output voltage
c.) input bit combination
d.) none of the above
62. 'Not allowed' condition in NAND gate SR flip flop is –
a.) s = 0, R = 0
b.) s = 1, R = 1
c.) s = 0, R = 1
d.) s = 1, R = 0
63. Name the fastest logic family-
a) TTL
b. RTL
c.) DCTL
d.) ECL
64. Equation corresponding to De Morgan's theorem in Boolean Algebra is –
a.) (A+B) (A+B) = AA + AB + BA + BB
c.) A + AB = A
d.) None of the above
65. In the given fig find radix of the system –
a.) 2b.) 4
c.) 6
d.) 8
66. Modems are used for data transmission telephone lines to –
a.) increase the transmission capacity
b) improve noice performance
c.) incorporate error control coding
d.) eliminate dc component in the transmitted signal
67. The figure of a control system is shown. The maximum value of gain K for which the system is stable is-
b.) 3
c.) 4
d.) 5
68. Identify the example of open-loop system-
a.) A windscreen wiper
b.) Aqualung
c.) Respiratory system of an animal
d.) A system for controlling Anti-rocket missiles.
69. Consider the following expressions indicating the step or impulse response of an initially relaxed control system-
1. (5 – 4e-2+) u(t)
2. (e-2t +5) (u(t))
3 .V(t) + 8e-2t u(t)
4 . V(t) + 4e-2t 4(t)
Those which correspond to the step and impulse response of the same system include-
a.) 1&3
b.) 1&4
c.) 2&4
d.) 1&4
BSNL GE JTO Recruitment / placement last exam paper previous years 2007 2008 2009 free sample papers here.
70. A system is described by
To test its stability by Lyapunov’s method the following V functions are considered.
Mark the most suitable V-function in this case-
a.) Only V1
b.)Only V2
c.) Both V1 and V2
d.) Neither V1 nor v2
71. Identity the polar plot of a typical type zero system with open loop transfer function
72. The scattering matrix of a magic –tee shown in the given figure is-
73. Which is the following relate to rational transfer function of a system-
1. Ratio of Fourier transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
2. Ratio of Laplace transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
3. Laplace transform of system impulse response.
4. Laplace transform of system unit step response select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a.) 1 and 4
b.) 2 and 3
c.) 1 and 3
d.) 2 and 4
74. For the signal g (t) – 10 cos (50 pt) cos2 (150at)
The Nyquist sampling state in t seconds is
a.) 150 samples per second
b.) 200 samples per second
c.) 300 samples per second
d.) 350 samples per second
75. In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy must lie between – MHz.
a.) 34 and 106
b.) 52. And 88
c.) 106 and 142
d.) 34 and 142
76. Radar used to eliminate clutter in navigational application is –
a.) Pulse radar
b.) Tracking radar
c.) MTI radar
d.) Mono pulse radar
77. The 1.55 mm windows is not yet in use with fiber optic systems because –
a.)The attenuation is higher than at 0.85 mm
b) The attenuation is higher than at 1.3mm
c.) Suitable laser devices have not yet been developed
d.) It does not lend itself to wavelength multiplexing
78. Pre-emphasis in FM systems involves-
a.) Compression of the modulating signal
b.) Expansion of the modulating signal
c.) Amplification of lower frequency components of the modulating signal.
d.) Amplification of higher frequency components of the modulating signal.
79. In a terrestrial microwave system transmission of signals is achieved through-
a.) reflection from the ionosphere
b.) line of sight mode
c) reflection from the ground
d.) diffraction from the stratosphere.
80. Casse grain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to
a.) increase the gain of the system
b). increase the bandwidth of the system
c.) reduce the size of the main reflector
d.) allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point.
81. In most microwave communication link rain drop attenuation is caused due to-
a.) scattering of microwaves by water drops of specific size.
b) scattering of microwaves by a collection of droplets acing as a single body.
c.) absorption of microwaves by water and consequent heating of the liquid
d.) absorption of the microwaves by water vapor in the atmosphere.
82. Circuit in the given figure represents. –
a.) an astable multivibrator
b.) A monostable multivibrator
c.) Voltage controlled oscillator
d.) Ramp generator
83. . D = r is-
a.) Maxwell's 1st equation
b.) Maxwell's II equation
c.) Maxwell's III equation
d.) Maxwell’s IV equation
84. In a rectangular wave-guide which TM mode exists-
a.) TM00
b.) TM01
c.) Tm10
d.) TM11
85. In directional coupler a portion of power two velliry fram port 1) to port 2) is coupled to.
a). port 4
b). port 3
c. port 2.
d.) port 3 & 4.
86. For high power i.e. 10 w to 50 kw measurement –
a.) Barometer are used
b.) Thermisters are used
c.) Calorimetric technique
d.) Calorimetric watt meter technique used
87. The difference between TWT & klystron is –
a.) In TWT electrons are in contact with RF field for long time & in klystron for short time
b.) In klystron electrons are in contact with RF field for long time & in TWT for short time
c.) In klystron there is no contact in RF field & electrons while in TWT there is contact
d.) In TWT phase is no contact is RF field & electrons while in klystron there is contact
88. Which one is most suitable for transmission through wave guide-
a.) Hown antennas
b.) Bioconical antennas
c.) helical antenna
d. Discone
89. The skip distance of microwave is given by –
90. How many general purpose registers 8085mp-
a.) 4
b.) 6
c.) 8
c.) 10
91. 8085 mP has no. of addressing modes-
a.) 2
b.) 3
c.) 4
d.) 5
92. What will be status of z and c y flag after execution of SUB A instruction
a.) z = 0, cy = 0
b.) z = 0, cy = 1
c.) z = 1, cy = 0
d.) z = 1, cy = 1
93. Microprocessor accept interrupt only if.
a.) interrupt flip flop disabled.
b.) when INTA signal is low.
c. interrupt flip flop enabled.
d.) none of above.
94. Microprogramming is a technique
a.) for programming the microprocessor
b.) for writing small programs efficiently
c.) for programming the control steps of computer
d.) for programming o/p / i/p
95. High level programs like C are converted into machine language with the help of
a.) interpreter
b.) compiler
c.) operating
d.) system
96. (10110011)2 = (?)8
a.) 253
b.) 263
c.) 273
d.) 283
97. A Not gate at the output of AND gate converts AND gate into-
a.) NAND
b.) NOR
c.) AND
d.) NOPE.
98. The O/P of a logic gate is the gate must be-
a.) AND
b.) OR
c.) NAND
d.) X-OR
99. 38. A symbol of JK flip flop is-
BSNL Free download previous years 2007 2008 2009 recruitment question papers for GE JTO exam sample papers. Answer keys / solutions coming soon!
100. A demultiplener-
a.) has multiple i/p and single o/p
b.) has multiple i/p and multiple o/p
c.) has multiple i/p and multiple o/p
d.) has single i/p and single o/p
101. Which of the following best describes the authour`s attitude toward fairy tales ?
a.) fascination
b.) open approval.
c.) Indulgent tolerance.
d.) Scornful.
102. What type of sentence is this ?
Hurray! We won the match
a.) Exclamatory
b.) assertive
c.) Negative
d.) Affirmative
103. Before which of the following word will you put 'a'
a.) hour
b.) M. A.
c.) Umbrella
d.) Man
104. The noun form of 'fresh' is –
a.) freshly
b.) freshen
c.) fresheners
d.) fresh itself
105. The word 'clang' is an example of –
a.) Simile
b.) inversion
c.) onomatopoeia
d.) irony
106. The Forbes magazine acclaimed Azim Premji as richest India's is the chairman of-
a.) Pentafour software
b) Infosys
c.) IBM
d.) Wipro
107. Bharat Ratna award for the year 2001 goes to-
a.) Lata Mangeshkar and Zakeer Hussain
b.) Zakeer Hussain and Bismillah Khan
c.) Bismillah Khan and Lata Mangeshkar
d.) Lata Mangeshkar and Ustad Amzad Ali Khan
108. Mr. George W-Bush takes over as ------ President of the united states of America succeeding Mr. Bill Clinton-
a.) 42nd
b.) 43rd
c.) 40th
d.) 45th
109. New Chief Minister of Pondicherry is-
a.) T. Venkat Naidu
b.) K. Hari Harh
c.) N. Rengaswany
d.) M. Mudliar
110. No court has the jurisdiction to interfere with the election process once set in motion by the Election commission. This is enshrined in Article-
a.) 311
b.) 329
c.) 356
d.) 365
111. Ostrich is a-
a.) Running bird
b.) Flying bird
c) Swimming bird
d.) Migratory bird
112. The main atmospheric gas responsible for green house is-
a.) Oxygen
b.) Nitrogen
c.) Ozone
d.) Carbon-dioxide
113. Which of the following is not a Kharif Crop-
a.) Rice
b.) groundnut
c.) Sugarcane
d.) gram
114. The function of World Bank is to-
a.) Help in reconstruction and development of world economy
b.) Facilitate poor countries to trade on concessional rates
c.) Promote growth of international trade and equilibrium in balance of payments
d.) Ease trade barriers and establish rule of fair trade
115. Speed of sound is maximum in-
a. )Water
b.) Air
c.) Steel
d.) Vacuum
116. “Long years ago we made a trust with destiny.” Whose words are these-
a.) Subhash Chandra Bose
b.) Jawaharlal Nehru
c.) Lajpat Rai
d.) Bhagat Singh
117. Durand cup is associated with-
a.) Hockey
b.) Tennis
c.) Football
d.) Badminton
118. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in the year.
a.) 1908
b.) 1910
c.) 1913
d.) 1914
119. India successfully conducted its first underground nuclear experiment at Pokhran in Rajas than on-
a.) May 18, 1975
b.) May 20, 1974
c) May 17, 1974
d.) May 17, 1974
120. An emergency loan of $ 500 million to help reconstruct infrastructure in earth quake devastated Gujarat approved by-
a.) Asian development Bank
b.) World Bank
c.) Swiss Bank
d.) Reserve Bank of India BSNL GE-JTO Recruitment Examination
Test Paper - VIII
1. When a inductive coil connected to a 200 V, 50Hz ac supply with 10A current flowing through it dissipates 1000 watts then which of the following will have least value in ohms-
a.) Resistance
b.) Reactance
c.) Impedance
d.) None
2 Oscillator crystal are made of –
a.) Silicon
b.) Germanium
c.) Quartz
d.) None
3. For small size, high frequency coils, the most common core material is-
a. )Air
b. )Ferrite
c.) Powdered ion
d.) Steel
4. If we have a parallel plate capacitor of plate area 'A' and plate separatoin t and having a capacity C and a metallic plate r of area A and of negligible thickness is introduced in thecapacitor at a distance from either of the two plates as shown in the given figure then the capacity of the capacitor will become –
5. A superconductor is a –
a.)A material showing perfect conductivity and Meissner effect below a critical temperature
b.)A conductor having zero resistance
c.)A perfect conductor with highest di-magnetic susceptibility
d.)A perfect conductor which becomes resistance when the current density through it exceeds a critical value
6. When an inductor tunes at 200 KHz with 624 pF capacitor and at 600 KHz with 60.4 pF capacitor then the self capacitance of the inductor would be –
a)8.05 pF
7. Sparking occur when a load is switched off because the circuit has high –
8. Sparking between contacts can be reduced by inserting a –
a.)Resistance in the line
b.)Capacitor in series with contacts
c.)Capacitor in parallel with contacts
9. RF amplifier of an A.M. receiver is normally biased in –
a.)Class 'A'
b.)Class 'b'
c.)Class 'C'
10. The value of gate voltage for the operation of enhancement of only N channel MOSFET has to be –
a.)High positive
b.)High negative
c.)Low positive
11. The input gate current of a FET is –
a.)a few microamperes
b.)negligibly small
c.)a few milliamperes
d.)a few amperes
12. In the following fig. with R = 30k, the value of current through 2 K resistor is –
a.)25 mA
b.)40 mA
c.)25/16 mA
d.)10 mA
13. A step recovery diode –
a.)has on extremely short recovery time
b.)conducts equally well in both directions
c.)is mainly used as a harmonic generator
d.)is an ideal rectifiers of high frequency signals
14. In order to get maximum undistorted output signal from CE amplifier with VCC 10V, the value of VCE (Q) should be approximately-
d) V
15. In a FET the electrode, which corresponds to collector in bipolar transistor, is –
16. The device which acts like an NPN and a PNP transistor connected base to base and emitter to collector is –
17. A typical optical fibre has –
a.)High refractive index core and low refractive index cladding
b.)Low refractive index core and high refractive index cladding
c.)Both a and b
18. In the following figure circuit diagram of an op-amp based is shown. The ratio is equal to –
19. When a loud speaker is connected across the terminals A and B of the network shown in the fig. then its impedance to obtain maximum power dissipation in it will be –
a.)3 – j1
b.)3 + j9
c.)7.5 + j 2.5
d.)7.5 – j 2.5
BSNL Recruitment Exam Question Paper with sample aptitude / reasoning / technical questions free download here. Answers key / solutions coming shortly!
20. In the lattice network, the value of R for the maximum power transfer to the load –
21. For a lossy transmission line short circuited at the receiving end, the input impedance is given by (Z0 is the characteristic impedance, Ö is the propagation constant and l is the length of the line-
a.)Z0 cot h Öl
b.)Z0 cot Öl
c.)Z0 tan h.Ö l
d.) Z0 tan Öl
22. The approximate thickness of the radome wall should be –
23 A relatively permanent information is stored in
a. )ROM
d.)Volatile memory
24. The rise time of the RC network shown in the given figure is approximately equal to –
b.) RC
c.) 2RC
d.) 4RC
25. If in the network shown in the fig. initially a steady state is attained by closing the switch 's' and then if the switch is opened at t = 0, then the current i(t) through the inductor will be –
a.) cos50tA
b.) 2A
c.) 2cos100tA
d.) 2sin50tA
26. When the p network of figure – I and T-network of figure – II are equivalent then the values of R1, R2 and R3 will be respectively –
a) 9W, 6W and 6W
b.) 6W, 6W and 9W
c.) 9W, 6W and 9W
d.) 6W, 9W and 6W
27. When the impedance matrices of a two port networks are given by and , then if these two networks are connected in series then the impedance matrix of the resulting two-port network will be –
d.) indeterminate
28. Joule/coulomb is the unit of -
a.) Electric field potential
b.) Potential
c .) Charge
d.) None of the above
29. The electric field line and equipotential lines-
a.) Are parallel to each other
b.)Are one and same
c.) Cut each other orthogonally
d.)Can be inclined to each other at any angle
30. For a lossy transmission line short circuited at the receiving end, the input impedance is given by (When Z0 is the characteristic impendence g is the propagation constant and L is the length of the line
31. When two equal positive point charges are placed along X- axis at X1 and –X1 respectively then the electric field vector at a point P on the positive Y-axis will be directed-
a.) In the +x direction
b.) In the –x direction
c. ) In the +y direction
d.) In the –y direction
32. The directions of and in TEM mode transmission line with respect to the direction of propagation are-
a.) Both and are transverse to the direction of propagation
b.) is and are transverse and h has a component in the direction of propagation
c.) is entirely transverse and has a component in the direction of propagation
d.) is entirely transverse and has a component in the direction of propagation
33. The lowest TM mode in a rectangular waveguide of cross –section a x b with a>b will be-
a.) TM01
c.) TM112
34. When a transmitter in a free space radiates a mean power of ‘p’ watts uniformly in all directions then at a distance d sufficiently far from the source in plane the electric field E should be related to p and d as –
35. When a dipole antenna was radiating with some excitation in free space radiating a certain amount of the power v if then this antenna is immersed in a lake where water is non-dissipative but has a dielectric constant of 81, then the radiated power with the same excitation will be
a.) Decrease to finite non-zero value
b.)Remain the same
c. )Increase
d.)Decrease to zero
36. When a (75 – j40)W load is connected to a coaxial line of Z0 = 75 W at 6MHz then the load matching on the line can be accomplished by connecting-
a.) A short – circuited stub at the load
b.)An inductance at the load
c. )A short circuited stub at a specific distance from the load
d.)none of the above
37. As compared to analog multimeters, digital multimeters are –
a.) less accurate
b.) more accurate
c.) equally accurate
d.) none.
38. When a signal of 10 mV at 75 MHz is to be measured then which of the following instruments can be used –
a.) VTVM
b.) Cathode ray oscilloscope
c.) Moving iron voltmeter
d.) Digital multimeter
39. Which of the following statement is true about two wattmeter method for power measurement in three phase current ?
a.) power can be measured using two wattmeter method only for star connected three phase circuits.
b.) when two meter show indentical readings, in the power factor is 0.5.
c.) when power factor is unit, one of the wattmeter reads zero
d.) when the reading of the two wattmeters are equal but of opposite sign, then the power factor is zero –
BSNL recruitment / placement examination paper for previous years 2007 2008 2009 sample aptitude / reasoning / technical questions free download here. Answers key / solutions coming soon!
40. When a capacitance transducer has two plates of area 5cm2 each, separated by an air gap of 2mm than the displacement sensitivity in pf/cm due to gap change would be –
a.) 11.1
b.) 44.2
c.) 52.3
d.) 66.3
41. The Q of a radio coil –
a.) is independent of frequency
b.) increases monotonically as frequency increases
c.) decreases monotonically as frequency increases
d.) increases upto a certain frequency and then decreases beyond that frequency
42. When a generator of internal impedance and operating at 1GHz feeds a load via a coaxial line of characteristic impedance 50 ohm then the voltage wave ratio on the feed line is –
a.) 0.5
b.) 1.5
c.) 2.5
d.) 1.75
43. The coding system typically used in digital telemetry is –
a.) PPM (pulse position modulation)
b.) PAM (pulse amplitude modulation)
c.) PCM (pulse code modulation)
d.) PDM (pulse duration modulation)
44. Radiation pyrometers are used for the measurement of temperature in the range of –
a.) -2000C to 5000C
b.) 00C to 5000C
c.) 5000C to 12000C
d.) 12000C to 25000C
45. In the given figure band structure is shown. It is of –
a.) Gallium Avesenide (GaAs)
b.) Silicon (Si)
c.) Copper (Cu)
d.) Germanium (Ge)
46. When anode is positive with respect to cathode in an SCR, the numbers of blocked p-n junction is –
a.) 1
b.) 2
c.) 3
d.) 4
47. The circuit symbol for a GTO is
a. b.
c. d.
48. In the given fig. mark out the type of Cyclo converters
a.) 1 phase to 1 phase with continuous conduction
b.) 1 phase to 1 phase with discontinuous conduction
c.) step up device
d.) 3 phase to 1 phase device
49. In the given fig. A-1, C=5, m H and C=20 m F, C is initially charged to 200 V. After the switch.
S is closed at t = 0 the
maximum value of current and the
time at which it reaches this value are respectively.
a.) 400 A, 15.707 mS
b.) 50 A, 30 mS
c.) 100 A, 62.828 mS
d.) 400 A, 31.414 mS
50. In the given circuit the maximum current in the main SCR M can be-
a.) 200 A
b.) 170.7 A
c.) 141.4 A
d.) 70.7 A
51. The transfer function of an amplifier is given by
The high 3-db frequency of the amplifier will approximately
a.) 5850 KHZ
b.)585 KHZ
c.) 5850 HZ
52. In comparison to full wave rectifier with two diodes the four divide bridge rectifier has the dominant advantage of -
a). Higher current carrying
b.)Lower ripple factor
c.) Higher efficiency
d.)Lower peak increase voltage require
53. Power output increase in a class-c amplifier-
a.) If the conduction angle decrease
b).If the conduction angle increase
c.) Are not governed by the conduction angle
d.)None of the above
54. A transistor with hie = 1.5 k and hfe = 75 is used in an emitter follower circuit where R1 and R2 are used for normal biasing . Approximate value of it’s current amplification is-
55. Amplifier of class B has high theoretical efficiency of 78.5 percent because-
a.) It is biased almost to saturation
b.)Its quiescent current is low
c.)It’s output is an exact replica of it’s input
d.)It is biased well below cut off
56. The coupling that produces minimum interference with frequency response is-
a.) Direct coupling
b.)Impedance coupling
c.) R C coupling
d.)Transformer coupling
57. In the circuit shown in the given figure Rf provides
a.) Current series feedback
b.)Current shunt feedback
c.) Voltage series feedback
d.)Voltage shunt feedback
58. Mark the correct relation for the junction transistor
59. Data in the serial form can be converted into parallel form by using –
a.) PISO shift register
b.) SOIP shift register
c.) SIPO shift register
d.) POIS shift register
60. PROMs are used to store-
a.) bulk information
b.) information to be accessed rarely
c.) sequence information
d.) relatively permanent information
61. The horizontal axis in a 3 bit unipolar D/A converter represents-
a.) Output bit combination
b.) analog output voltage
c.) input bit combination
d.) none of the above
62. 'Not allowed' condition in NAND gate SR flip flop is –
a.) s = 0, R = 0
b.) s = 1, R = 1
c.) s = 0, R = 1
d.) s = 1, R = 0
63. Name the fastest logic family-
a) TTL
b. RTL
c.) DCTL
d.) ECL
64. Equation corresponding to De Morgan's theorem in Boolean Algebra is –
a.) (A+B) (A+B) = AA + AB + BA + BB
c.) A + AB = A
d.) None of the above
65. In the given fig find radix of the system –
a.) 2b.) 4
c.) 6
d.) 8
66. Modems are used for data transmission telephone lines to –
a.) increase the transmission capacity
b) improve noice performance
c.) incorporate error control coding
d.) eliminate dc component in the transmitted signal
67. The figure of a control system is shown. The maximum value of gain K for which the system is stable is-
b.) 3
c.) 4
d.) 5
68. Identify the example of open-loop system-
a.) A windscreen wiper
b.) Aqualung
c.) Respiratory system of an animal
d.) A system for controlling Anti-rocket missiles.
69. Consider the following expressions indicating the step or impulse response of an initially relaxed control system-
1. (5 – 4e-2+) u(t)
2. (e-2t +5) (u(t))
3 .V(t) + 8e-2t u(t)
4 . V(t) + 4e-2t 4(t)
Those which correspond to the step and impulse response of the same system include-
a.) 1&3
b.) 1&4
c.) 2&4
d.) 1&4
BSNL GE JTO Recruitment / placement last exam paper previous years 2007 2008 2009 free sample papers here.
70. A system is described by
To test its stability by Lyapunov’s method the following V functions are considered.
Mark the most suitable V-function in this case-
a.) Only V1
b.)Only V2
c.) Both V1 and V2
d.) Neither V1 nor v2
71. Identity the polar plot of a typical type zero system with open loop transfer function
72. The scattering matrix of a magic –tee shown in the given figure is-
73. Which is the following relate to rational transfer function of a system-
1. Ratio of Fourier transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
2. Ratio of Laplace transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
3. Laplace transform of system impulse response.
4. Laplace transform of system unit step response select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a.) 1 and 4
b.) 2 and 3
c.) 1 and 3
d.) 2 and 4
74. For the signal g (t) – 10 cos (50 pt) cos2 (150at)
The Nyquist sampling state in t seconds is
a.) 150 samples per second
b.) 200 samples per second
c.) 300 samples per second
d.) 350 samples per second
75. In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy must lie between – MHz.
a.) 34 and 106
b.) 52. And 88
c.) 106 and 142
d.) 34 and 142
76. Radar used to eliminate clutter in navigational application is –
a.) Pulse radar
b.) Tracking radar
c.) MTI radar
d.) Mono pulse radar
77. The 1.55 mm windows is not yet in use with fiber optic systems because –
a.)The attenuation is higher than at 0.85 mm
b) The attenuation is higher than at 1.3mm
c.) Suitable laser devices have not yet been developed
d.) It does not lend itself to wavelength multiplexing
78. Pre-emphasis in FM systems involves-
a.) Compression of the modulating signal
b.) Expansion of the modulating signal
c.) Amplification of lower frequency components of the modulating signal.
d.) Amplification of higher frequency components of the modulating signal.
79. In a terrestrial microwave system transmission of signals is achieved through-
a.) reflection from the ionosphere
b.) line of sight mode
c) reflection from the ground
d.) diffraction from the stratosphere.
80. Casse grain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to
a.) increase the gain of the system
b). increase the bandwidth of the system
c.) reduce the size of the main reflector
d.) allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point.
81. In most microwave communication link rain drop attenuation is caused due to-
a.) scattering of microwaves by water drops of specific size.
b) scattering of microwaves by a collection of droplets acing as a single body.
c.) absorption of microwaves by water and consequent heating of the liquid
d.) absorption of the microwaves by water vapor in the atmosphere.
82. Circuit in the given figure represents. –
a.) an astable multivibrator
b.) A monostable multivibrator
c.) Voltage controlled oscillator
d.) Ramp generator
83. . D = r is-
a.) Maxwell's 1st equation
b.) Maxwell's II equation
c.) Maxwell's III equation
d.) Maxwell’s IV equation
84. In a rectangular wave-guide which TM mode exists-
a.) TM00
b.) TM01
c.) Tm10
d.) TM11
85. In directional coupler a portion of power two velliry fram port 1) to port 2) is coupled to.
a). port 4
b). port 3
c. port 2.
d.) port 3 & 4.
86. For high power i.e. 10 w to 50 kw measurement –
a.) Barometer are used
b.) Thermisters are used
c.) Calorimetric technique
d.) Calorimetric watt meter technique used
87. The difference between TWT & klystron is –
a.) In TWT electrons are in contact with RF field for long time & in klystron for short time
b.) In klystron electrons are in contact with RF field for long time & in TWT for short time
c.) In klystron there is no contact in RF field & electrons while in TWT there is contact
d.) In TWT phase is no contact is RF field & electrons while in klystron there is contact
88. Which one is most suitable for transmission through wave guide-
a.) Hown antennas
b.) Bioconical antennas
c.) helical antenna
d. Discone
89. The skip distance of microwave is given by –
90. How many general purpose registers 8085mp-
a.) 4
b.) 6
c.) 8
c.) 10
91. 8085 mP has no. of addressing modes-
a.) 2
b.) 3
c.) 4
d.) 5
92. What will be status of z and c y flag after execution of SUB A instruction
a.) z = 0, cy = 0
b.) z = 0, cy = 1
c.) z = 1, cy = 0
d.) z = 1, cy = 1
93. Microprocessor accept interrupt only if.
a.) interrupt flip flop disabled.
b.) when INTA signal is low.
c. interrupt flip flop enabled.
d.) none of above.
94. Microprogramming is a technique
a.) for programming the microprocessor
b.) for writing small programs efficiently
c.) for programming the control steps of computer
d.) for programming o/p / i/p
95. High level programs like C are converted into machine language with the help of
a.) interpreter
b.) compiler
c.) operating
d.) system
96. (10110011)2 = (?)8
a.) 253
b.) 263
c.) 273
d.) 283
97. A Not gate at the output of AND gate converts AND gate into-
a.) NAND
b.) NOR
c.) AND
d.) NOPE.
98. The O/P of a logic gate is the gate must be-
a.) AND
b.) OR
c.) NAND
d.) X-OR
99. 38. A symbol of JK flip flop is-
BSNL Free download previous years 2007 2008 2009 recruitment question papers for GE JTO exam sample papers. Answer keys / solutions coming soon!
100. A demultiplener-
a.) has multiple i/p and single o/p
b.) has multiple i/p and multiple o/p
c.) has multiple i/p and multiple o/p
d.) has single i/p and single o/p
101. Which of the following best describes the authour`s attitude toward fairy tales ?
a.) fascination
b.) open approval.
c.) Indulgent tolerance.
d.) Scornful.
102. What type of sentence is this ?
Hurray! We won the match
a.) Exclamatory
b.) assertive
c.) Negative
d.) Affirmative
103. Before which of the following word will you put 'a'
a.) hour
b.) M. A.
c.) Umbrella
d.) Man
104. The noun form of 'fresh' is –
a.) freshly
b.) freshen
c.) fresheners
d.) fresh itself
105. The word 'clang' is an example of –
a.) Simile
b.) inversion
c.) onomatopoeia
d.) irony
106. The Forbes magazine acclaimed Azim Premji as richest India's is the chairman of-
a.) Pentafour software
b) Infosys
c.) IBM
d.) Wipro
107. Bharat Ratna award for the year 2001 goes to-
a.) Lata Mangeshkar and Zakeer Hussain
b.) Zakeer Hussain and Bismillah Khan
c.) Bismillah Khan and Lata Mangeshkar
d.) Lata Mangeshkar and Ustad Amzad Ali Khan
108. Mr. George W-Bush takes over as ------ President of the united states of America succeeding Mr. Bill Clinton-
a.) 42nd
b.) 43rd
c.) 40th
d.) 45th
109. New Chief Minister of Pondicherry is-
a.) T. Venkat Naidu
b.) K. Hari Harh
c.) N. Rengaswany
d.) M. Mudliar
110. No court has the jurisdiction to interfere with the election process once set in motion by the Election commission. This is enshrined in Article-
a.) 311
b.) 329
c.) 356
d.) 365
111. Ostrich is a-
a.) Running bird
b.) Flying bird
c) Swimming bird
d.) Migratory bird
112. The main atmospheric gas responsible for green house is-
a.) Oxygen
b.) Nitrogen
c.) Ozone
d.) Carbon-dioxide
113. Which of the following is not a Kharif Crop-
a.) Rice
b.) groundnut
c.) Sugarcane
d.) gram
114. The function of World Bank is to-
a.) Help in reconstruction and development of world economy
b.) Facilitate poor countries to trade on concessional rates
c.) Promote growth of international trade and equilibrium in balance of payments
d.) Ease trade barriers and establish rule of fair trade
115. Speed of sound is maximum in-
a. )Water
b.) Air
c.) Steel
d.) Vacuum
116. “Long years ago we made a trust with destiny.” Whose words are these-
a.) Subhash Chandra Bose
b.) Jawaharlal Nehru
c.) Lajpat Rai
d.) Bhagat Singh
117. Durand cup is associated with-
a.) Hockey
b.) Tennis
c.) Football
d.) Badminton
118. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in the year.
a.) 1908
b.) 1910
c.) 1913
d.) 1914
119. India successfully conducted its first underground nuclear experiment at Pokhran in Rajas than on-
a.) May 18, 1975
b.) May 20, 1974
c) May 17, 1974
d.) May 17, 1974
120. An emergency loan of $ 500 million to help reconstruct infrastructure in earth quake devastated Gujarat approved by-
a.) Asian development Bank
b.) World Bank
c.) Swiss Bank
d.) Reserve Bank of India BSNL GE-JTO Recruitment Examination
TCS placement paper
TCS Tech Interview, GD Topics & Tips, HR Interview Questions asked in a College Placement Paper
My tech interview was 80% project based. Some of the single questions I remember are as follows
Any application softwares u know?
diff btwn dbms & rdbms??? What r codd rules?
how many types of relationship? Eg. Of many-to-many relationship?
relationship btwn a foreign and primary key? Smart-key??
eg of left-outer join? Recursive join??
one complex query involving join!
why have u used access instead of oracle in your project?
I: (remember don't mumble in the interview. If ur saying something 'false' show the confidence in u that your answer is correct.) Our client told me so. (then smile to yourself!!)
types of dbms?? Give eg of each!
give an eg of a table which is in 3nf not in bcnf? Eg of reverse??
goal in 5 yours? Can u achieve that??
what is software configuration management?? What is QA??
what is CMM? Why level 5? Advantages of spiral model??
***70% of the interviews are dbms related even if u haven't mentioned dbms as a favorite. Show confidence in all answers. Jus prepare your basics in dbms, ds, os, software engg, oops, c, c++, corejava , sql server, networking (optional) and get your ATTITUDE RIGHT***
My hr interview was mixture of discussion, friendly chat, hr, management interview and technical.
meaning of your name? What's special about your birthday? Expand your name to show your personality?
have u prepared for this interview? Sources?
what the common questions asked in hr interviews?
one of us is from tech one from hr. guess who's from hr and who's from tech?
are we Bengali or any other religion?
tell us any website from where u can get all tcs previous questions?
your sun-sign? (mine is Aquarius) common characteristics of Aquarius?
Justify that u r an Aquarius?
do u have a girlfriend?
I: yes. I don't differentiate between boyfriend and girlfriend . Thats why I have a lot of them!!
will u marry your girlfriend?
I: I am only 23. I want to give my spouse all comforts of life that's why I will marry after achieving all pleasures and comforts of life!
do u want your spouse to be from IT industry or a non-it?
do u want your spouse to cook food 4 u or to b a careeristic?
I: I want her to b self-dependant to live her life of her own!
if she hags out with her boss?? Come late at night?
I: I have faith in her. As long there is love-bond btwn us there is no problem and she will not do anything to hurt my feelings. (She was impressed!)
if she works in an equally competitive environment in a company better than yours??
I: (at this point I was frustrated. I want to stop the gal frnd episode) Carrer is my first gal friend. Others come after that.
derive complexity for bubblesort
whats the worst case complexity of qiucksort. Practically describe insertion sort.
depth of a binary tree. Derive expression?? Height of binary tree??
eg of recursive function? Show by an eg.
disadvantage of circular linked list? Insert in a doubly linked list.
hobbies? in priority wise?
I: software collection, listening to English hard rock, reading autobiography
whose autobiography?
I: business @ speed of thought by bill gates..
what kind of books u read?? Fiction or non-fiction?
what the latest version of windows?
I: windows Longhorn!!
what type of hard-rock? do ever people around u complain to loud noise? Why u listen to hard-rock? Name some famous rock stars.
career plan?? How can u contribute to tcs?
mention some point abt yourself not written in your bio-data? Beware if u say something common your candidature will simply be cancelled?ready to sign agreement bond now?what other companies u appeared for?? Why were u rejected ??
do u have any question?
I: career path in tcs?? How can u become a project manager with tcs provided u perform well? How tcs is going to be among global top 10 by 2010?
How was my performance? How can I improve myself?
I believe that is the greatest tcs resource one can find in internet. So get benefited from it! Just remember to get your attitude right. Guys remember besides apti and interviews dress code, smartness, eye contact, positive attitude, friendliness, blue form, communication skill, extra curricular activity, general knowledge, presentation, iq, mental ability, decision taking ability are also tested during interviews. This is from a personal experience besides ask the interviewer as many questions as u can. Show the interviewer you are dying 2 get in his organisation.
My tech interview was 80% project based. Some of the single questions I remember are as follows
Any application softwares u know?
diff btwn dbms & rdbms??? What r codd rules?
how many types of relationship? Eg. Of many-to-many relationship?
relationship btwn a foreign and primary key? Smart-key??
eg of left-outer join? Recursive join??
one complex query involving join!
why have u used access instead of oracle in your project?
I: (remember don't mumble in the interview. If ur saying something 'false' show the confidence in u that your answer is correct.) Our client told me so. (then smile to yourself!!)
types of dbms?? Give eg of each!
give an eg of a table which is in 3nf not in bcnf? Eg of reverse??
goal in 5 yours? Can u achieve that??
what is software configuration management?? What is QA??
what is CMM? Why level 5? Advantages of spiral model??
***70% of the interviews are dbms related even if u haven't mentioned dbms as a favorite. Show confidence in all answers. Jus prepare your basics in dbms, ds, os, software engg, oops, c, c++, corejava , sql server, networking (optional) and get your ATTITUDE RIGHT***
My hr interview was mixture of discussion, friendly chat, hr, management interview and technical.
meaning of your name? What's special about your birthday? Expand your name to show your personality?
have u prepared for this interview? Sources?
what the common questions asked in hr interviews?
one of us is from tech one from hr. guess who's from hr and who's from tech?
are we Bengali or any other religion?
tell us any website from where u can get all tcs previous questions?
your sun-sign? (mine is Aquarius) common characteristics of Aquarius?
Justify that u r an Aquarius?
do u have a girlfriend?
I: yes. I don't differentiate between boyfriend and girlfriend . Thats why I have a lot of them!!
will u marry your girlfriend?
I: I am only 23. I want to give my spouse all comforts of life that's why I will marry after achieving all pleasures and comforts of life!
do u want your spouse to be from IT industry or a non-it?
do u want your spouse to cook food 4 u or to b a careeristic?
I: I want her to b self-dependant to live her life of her own!
if she hags out with her boss?? Come late at night?
I: I have faith in her. As long there is love-bond btwn us there is no problem and she will not do anything to hurt my feelings. (She was impressed!)
if she works in an equally competitive environment in a company better than yours??
I: (at this point I was frustrated. I want to stop the gal frnd episode) Carrer is my first gal friend. Others come after that.
derive complexity for bubblesort
whats the worst case complexity of qiucksort. Practically describe insertion sort.
depth of a binary tree. Derive expression?? Height of binary tree??
eg of recursive function? Show by an eg.
disadvantage of circular linked list? Insert in a doubly linked list.
hobbies? in priority wise?
I: software collection, listening to English hard rock, reading autobiography
whose autobiography?
I: business @ speed of thought by bill gates..
what kind of books u read?? Fiction or non-fiction?
what the latest version of windows?
I: windows Longhorn!!
what type of hard-rock? do ever people around u complain to loud noise? Why u listen to hard-rock? Name some famous rock stars.
career plan?? How can u contribute to tcs?
mention some point abt yourself not written in your bio-data? Beware if u say something common your candidature will simply be cancelled?ready to sign agreement bond now?what other companies u appeared for?? Why were u rejected ??
do u have any question?
I: career path in tcs?? How can u become a project manager with tcs provided u perform well? How tcs is going to be among global top 10 by 2010?
How was my performance? How can I improve myself?
I believe that is the greatest tcs resource one can find in internet. So get benefited from it! Just remember to get your attitude right. Guys remember besides apti and interviews dress code, smartness, eye contact, positive attitude, friendliness, blue form, communication skill, extra curricular activity, general knowledge, presentation, iq, mental ability, decision taking ability are also tested during interviews. This is from a personal experience besides ask the interviewer as many questions as u can. Show the interviewer you are dying 2 get in his organisation.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Accenture .Net Interview Questions
Accenture .Net Interview Questions (Feb2010)
Difference between User controls and Custom Controls
Differnece between Dataset.Acceptchanges() and DataAdapter.Update methods
Difference between Having and Where clause
Difference between Trace and Asset
Difference between constant and static variables
Difference between XML and xmlRPC
what is zagged Array in c#
multicast delegate
what is webmethod
which protocol will be used in web services
what is this operator
how you will see the Trace in the output window
what is master database
Accenture .Net Interview Questions (November 2009)
Difference between functions and Stored procedure
what is trigger
difference between stored procedure and trigger
why do we need trigger
what is stored procedure ? how it will reduce the network traffic
Is data will be stored by using Stored Procedure
what is virtual
class A having Add method and class B Add method defined
if class B inherits class A then how you will access Add method from class A
what is LINQ ? what it will do ? why do we need ?
how LINQ and database will be related
Is LINQ is best or stored procedure
explain present project
why do we needs Views
Difference between User controls and Custom Controls
Differnece between Dataset.Acceptchanges() and DataAdapter.Update methods
Difference between Having and Where clause
Difference between Trace and Asset
Difference between constant and static variables
Difference between XML and xmlRPC
what is zagged Array in c#
multicast delegate
what is webmethod
which protocol will be used in web services
what is this operator
how you will see the Trace in the output window
what is master database
Accenture .Net Interview Questions (November 2009)
Difference between functions and Stored procedure
what is trigger
difference between stored procedure and trigger
why do we need trigger
what is stored procedure ? how it will reduce the network traffic
Is data will be stored by using Stored Procedure
what is virtual
class A having Add method and class B Add method defined
if class B inherits class A then how you will access Add method from class A
what is LINQ ? what it will do ? why do we need ?
how LINQ and database will be related
Is LINQ is best or stored procedure
explain present project
why do we needs Views
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Alliance Global Service .Net interview Questions
Alliance Global Service .Net interview Questions
What is WebService ?
Why do we need WebService only ?
How you will do WSDL in command prompt?
What is callback ?
What happens Callback in Ajax ?
Key Identifiers
What is WSE.exe ?
What is XSLT ?
There is optional parameter in VB.Net , how will use use optional parameter in C#?
Normalization & DeNormalization
What is Connection pooling ?
What is Trigger?
Difference between UNION and UNIONALL
What is WebService ?
Why do we need WebService only ?
How you will do WSDL in command prompt?
What is callback ?
What happens Callback in Ajax ?
Key Identifiers
What is WSE.exe ?
What is XSLT ?
There is optional parameter in VB.Net , how will use use optional parameter in C#?
Normalization & DeNormalization
What is Connection pooling ?
What is Trigger?
Difference between UNION and UNIONALL
- Digital Globals .Net Interview Questions
- Microsoft .Net Interview Questions
- Satyam .Net Interview Questions
- TCS Technical .Net Interview Questions
- Infosys .Net Interview Questions
- Keane .Net Interview Questions
- DELL .Net Interview Questions
- Wipro Infotech .NET interview Questions
- Wipro Sharepoint Interview Questions
- BlueStar Infotech .Net Interview Questions
- KARVY .Net Interview Questions
- Microsoft SqlServer Interview Questions
- NessTechnologies .Net Interview Questions
- ValueLabs .Net Ineterview Questions
- ValueLabs NET Technical Paper
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Accenture Placement papers Freshers
Accenture has five selection rounds, all are elimination rounds
Round I
This is an aptitude round, there are 3 sections,
Section I: English (Vocab, Comprehension etc)
Section II: Aptitude (R.S. Agarwal should be suffecient)
Section III: Reasoning, pickup any GRE book , it should be sufficient
The aptitude round is pretty much simple
Round II
THis is a GD round, this is also elimination, SO don’t forget to make a
point, they don’t normally see how relevant you speak, its just that you
should speak something and make yourself heard.
Round III
This is an HR round, this is also an elimination round, it will be a casual
talk, for god sake don’t say any thing contoversial and don’t contradict
Round IV
This is a technical round, they will normally ask you questions pertaining
your field of interest and will focus on the projects that you have done,
you should be able to talk about your projects with confidence.
Round V
This is a combination of hr and technical , again the same stuff is
repeated,you need to just hold on , coz you are almost there.
The bottom line is that you should be a good communicator and show
This is the selection procedure :
1)Test :normal agarwal apptitude,English synonyms,RC’s……….(cat pattern basically)
2) GD: ANy general topic picked (make sure u make one valid pt and make ur voice heard int eh crowd of 10 ppl)
3)Hr round: normal Hr Ques(goals long& short ,background,strenghs, weaknesses)
4)Technical rnd:Questions abt the projects u have done(B very well prepared with it)
5)Final rnd:Questions abt ur fav topic(i picked c/c++) .
The questions asked were from the following
1)numerical :
profit & loss, percentages, mixtures,
time and distance, time and work.
2)analytical :
venn diagrams ( if in a class of 40
students, 10 speak only telegu, 20 speak both telegu
and tamil….), probability, drawing conclusions…
3) verbal : was basically easy — just synonyms,
choose the correct one.., passage.
Section 1
1a> In this section 2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
1)Candid:ans frank
2)Specifaction :ans documentation
3) Extradite =deport
4) Cursory= scold
5) ———-= very high
fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions)
pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake.(5 questios).
Section 3-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
i>some cats are dog
ii> no dog is lion
conclusion :
i> some dogs are lion
ii> some dog are cats
a> only 1 follows
b> either I or ii follows
c> none follows
2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are 4 and -20/3..
letter series example aabb-abda-bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
Apptitude Questions
1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these question
2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type.
3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not
exact question).
3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men
(similar to this)
4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
5) (998-1)(998-2)(998-3) ..(998-n)=——- when n>1000 ans is zero
6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit.
numbers are from 0-9
7)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
8) there are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan
and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times
then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu ans 18
9) in pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture
10) after 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
11)races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
12)in the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve)
1 It has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2 Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . In how many days 2 children and 3 men can do the same work.
3 What is the equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5
4 There are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times then what is the number of pe…
5 One man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can finish the same work in —- days
6 In how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last…
7 After 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years
8 In pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the proportion of milk in that mixture
9 If a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .What is the cost price of fan
+ means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of 2+3*5/7
There are three sections.
Section 1-ENGLISH
1. In this section2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
II Synonyms:
1.Candid:ans frank
2.Specifaction :ans documentation
3. Extradite =deport
4. Cursory= scold
5. ———-= very high
III .fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions) pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake (5 questios).
Section IV-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
1 i some cats are dog
ii no dog is lion
conclusion :
i some dogs are lion
ii some dog are cats
a only i follows
b either I or ii follows
c none follows
2 Questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are4 and -20/3..
3 Letter series example aabb-abda?bbaa this type one question a question of this type
4. find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
1. It has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is
the final ratio of milk and water.
2. + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these questio 2+3*5/7 it was two question of
these type.
3. The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not exact question).
4. Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men (similar to this)
5. One man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
6. (998-1)(998-2)(998-3)????..(998-n)=——- when n>1000ans is zero
7. In how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) The last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit. numbers are from 0-9
8. If a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
9. There are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read decca and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu???ans 18
10. In pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture.
11. After 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
12. Races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
13. In the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve) better to go through the following chapters in both Objective arithmetic and Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal, ratio and praportion (4 questions), ages (3 ques ), races and games,time and distance ,time and work, percentages.
For GD
Per team 8 members and they tell us to choose a topic of ourown interest The topics we faced are Advantages
and disadvantages of Internet Betting in cricket should legalized or not Education system in India A discussion on Iraq and America war After finishing the GD you will be given a form.
This interview was conducted for 1 year or more exp. guys in C++.
1) Firstly he asked me about the project and i was thoroughly grilled.
2)Then he asked to list the various types of storage classes and asked me to explain the scope & lifetime
of each one.. (Auto,Static,Register,Extern,and also mutable(only used for classes) )
3) Right shift/Left shift + 1’s complement concepts
then asked me to give the output of this:-
i = 10;
int j = i >> 10;
I appeared in Accenture Technical Interview.
Here is the stuff they asked.
1 dynamic binding
2 normalizations, different normal forms with examples
3 primary key, foreign key, super key
4 waterfall model, spiral model
5 system booting process
6 testing basics
7 what is the output of select * from table1,table2
8 ur latest project, be confident in that
9 multivalued dependency
10 C programs for factorial, palindrome, bubble sort
If you are a recent graduate, This is what you need:
BE CONFIDENT and KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! Smile and show them why you want to work for accenture. Most of the ppl who interview you dont know too much technical, so you should be able to explain them in a way they will understand. Have a mock interview with your friend. and make your resume in their format.
. The Accenture Interview was one of the most easiest interviews that I have ever faced. For people more than 3 years of experience,there are 3 rounds.I had gone for Testing interview.
Round -1
Technical — Basic Questions on testing , like difference between integration and system testing, defect life cycle, elements of a test plan, whether I have used automated tools,basic questios bout Winrunner and Test Director, responsibilities in my last job etc
Round 2 -
HR Interview– Your Strengths, weakness, whether you have gone abroad, why did u leave the last company, if you any gap in education what was the reason etc.
Round 3 -
Senior Management Interview - They will ask you in detail about any one project, why do u want to work in accenture, what is your exposure to quality,whether your last comapny was a CMM level company etc
The questions asked were from the following
1)numerical :
profit & loss, percentages, mixtures,
time and distance, time and work.
2)analytical :
venn diagrams ( if in a class of 40
students, 20 play hockey, 15 play football…), probability, drawing conclusions…
3) verbal : was basically easy — just synonyms,
choose the correct one.., passage.
the test was easy. there were
60 questions( 60 mins).
other rounds:
2) GD: ANy general topic picked (make sure u make one valid pt and make ur voice
heard int eh crowd of 10 ppl)
3)Hr round: normal Hr Ques(goals ,background,strenghs, weaknesses, research about
accenture, why do u prefer accenture to tcs)
4)Technical rnd:Questions abt the projects u have done(B very well prepared with
it),Questions abt ur fav topic(i picked java)
Written :
Same Previous Pattern :
1. Englisi - 20 questions. –easy
2. Apt. - Easy Questions..
1. in a theatre the ratio of car & two
wheeler is 1:8 Total no of tyres are 100
find how many cars and two
Remaining Set Theory….
3. Reasoning :
using +-*? problems……
pattern matching & easy problems.
logical reasoning problems :
some cats are lions.
all lions are tigers.
some problems in that manner.
2. dollar problem(encode).(3 ques)
4. c : easy programs like #pragma startup &
ptr programs
5. c++ : Little bit tough.(see previous
6. DBMS(only for MCA not for BE) : tough
topics are
1. leaders are born or made.
2. education is necessary for politician or not.
3. india wants to continue relationship with pak
or not.
HR Round:
1. when will u complete the course?
2. when will u join in Accenture?
3. willing to relocate?
4. do u have passpot & driving license?
5. why Accenture?
6. what companies u have applied?
7. infosys or verizon or accenture which is best
and why?
8. tell abt urself?
9. what do u know abt accenture?
panel - 1
1.Tell About ur self?
2.Explain SDLC?
3.what is waterfall and spiral model?
4.what is linked list and its types.
5.what are the rules for RDBMS and who developed it?
6.commands in DDL,DML,DCL & TCL?
7.About Normalization and asked real time
8.About Packages in Oracle?
9.Abt Triggers and when it will trigger?(before,after)
10.maximum no. of triggers for row and column in a
11.about Primary key and foreign Key?
other question from the same panel:
1. what is OS?
2. what is Data Structures?
3. what is the function of OS?
if u specified unix in ur resume they asked unix
commands in vi editor.
types of editors in unix?
panel - 2:
1.abt Project?
2.some questions from project?
3.tell abt oops concept?
4.difference bet. c++ & java?
5.factorial program in java?
6.fibonacci series in java using array?
7.count the no. of occurances ‘accenture’ in a file?
the details of selection procedure were as follows:
a written exam was conducted on 8 in meerut consisting of a written
test with five sections & approx. 75 minutes duration.three sections were based on
topics such as verbal,quant.& two were questions were from C & C++.but
there was individual time limit for each section.
next round was a h.r. interview on 21 in delhi.the interviewer asked just
three questions as follows:
why was there a gap in your education after 10+2?
what do u know ab’t accenture?
why do u want work for accenture?
next round was a technical interview on same day & all the questions were
based on
final year project & microprocessor (mainly interrupts & interfacing).
as far as h.r. is concerned be sure to have a good & convincing answer if u
have a gap in important thing i feel that he was looking for was
regarding technical e.c. students should prepare microprocessor.also questions
were asked on signals & systems & common C programs(palindrome,largest of three
numbers etc). from other candidates.just keep u’r basics clear.also all freshers should
have a good knowledge of final year project.
Sanjeev went through a job interview and said:
2.Mental aptitude-R.S should be enough
3.Reasoning-R.S or Barrons
Tha time limit was 75 minutes and 75 questions were there.
total :- 450
written clear :- 80
HR clear :- 45
tech (final) clear :- 28
pattern of written paper and whatever the questions r remember….i m giving to u.
it was a objective paper without negative marking.there was 5 sets common for all and 1 extra(DBMS) set only for M.C.A.’s.
All set conatined 15 question each only and the time given for dbms set (for m.c.a.’s) was 15 minutes and then 75 min common for all.
set were
1- english
2- maths
3- reasining
4- C
5- c++
all were bunch together,time management was upto u.
1- data model is
a) entity b) constriants c) entity relationship d) all the above
ans:- c
2- choise the correct one
select ,emp.age from emp1,emp2 where emp.sno = 456;
a) cluster b) non-cluster c) index d) none of these
3- what is index?
a) atrendum selectio of colum
ans) a
4- match the following
1- one to one a) manager to employ
2- one to many b) employ to employ
3- many to one c) unique object
4- many to many d) employ to manager
a) 1-a ,2-b ,3-c,4-d b) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b c) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b d) 1-d,2-b,3-a,4-c
ans) c
Select from first where first.age = (select first.age from first where first.sno = 3);
a) max b) allen c) rony d) noneof these
THERE were 3 question on same type of queries(u should be good in foreign key relationship and relationship with in a single table).
One question was based on INDEX.
Also one more mapping relationship given based upon the figure.
5 question based upon SIMPLE preposition (dam easy)
3 question from article.
5 questions from a single passage.
4-5 questions of synonyms.(from a given word was bold….for that).
VERY –VERY EASY question from R.S. aggarwal…..(logical based maths).
3 questions based upon equality of number’s …means
three no’s given ……
a) if all equal
b) if 1,2 same
c) if 2,3 same
d) none…..
DAM –easy
3 questions based upon equality of symbols …means
if + means * and * means / and – means + and + means –
then mean of 28*40/4+2-6
8 question upon set theory means
if 100 r selecting in maths
and 90 in physics
120 in chemistry
& 22 in phy& maths both ,33 in maths & chemisty both
44 in ches & phy…11 in all
1) how many only in maths…….
2) Only in physics……
3) Only in chemistry…….
4) how many in atleast 2……
likewise……all were DAM –EASY ,if u r easy with VAN-DIAGRAM…..first make the van-diagram and then use the formula.
4 QUESTION on pointers…
3 on file handling….
2 on functions….
3 structurs and unions
2 from bitwise
1 from memory & space(how much memory this will take)
dear ,if I will say it was DAM-TUFF…I THINK I WILL BE INSULTING of the level of the questions….the syntax of the questions were ununderstandable…some questions were taking more then 1 page….forget abt the solving..noone could read them in 15 mins….
It was total LUCK…try to solve 4-5 …which u can and then put a intelligent guess( or same opt on all) on other……
U can use test ur C skills and explore in C…but paper level was too much from them also.only application part’s were there.
Scope of protected
Virtual function
Static member function
File handling
Question) If error is not catch by first catch statement then what will happen….4 scenario were given…choose 1 among them.
Copy constructor
And other’s were ununderstandable that from which topic they were and which concept we have to folloe????????????????
Really I cann’t inselt this part too by saying DAM-TOUGH……….
Ur luck was really very needed……
Hr – interview
5- HOW MEMEORY WORKS IN a computer system.
6- How recursion works in C.
8- Deference between structure N union.
9- What is ERP…..(ACCENTURE having work in ERP…as we m.c.a’s having ERP in 3rd sem so…the person highlighted or wrote sth in resume ,THEY asked abt ERP from them only).
10- What is reengineering in ERP.
11- IF U HAVE TOO much cash in ur hand, then what u will do in behalf of the company…..
12- Why u want to join accenture….
13- Tell me abt urself.
14- What abt ur strength & weakness.
15- Why I should hire u ??????
17- If u have any question, ask me…..
Pramod went through a job interview and said:
There are three sections.
Section 1-ENGLISH
1a> In this section2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
1)Candid:ans frank
2)Specifaction :ans documentation
3) Extradite =deport
4) Cursory= scold
5) ———-= very high
fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions)
pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake.(5 questios).
Section 3-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
i>some cats are dog
ii> no dog is lion
conclusion :
i> some dogs are lion
ii> some dog are cats
a> only follows
b> either I or ii follows
c> none follows
2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are4 and -20/3..
letter series example aabb-abda?bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
apti questions:
1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these question
2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type.
3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not
exact question).
3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men
(similar to this)
4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
5) (998-1)(998-2)(998-3)????..(998-n)=——- when n>1000ans is zero
6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit.
numbers are from 0-9
7)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
8) there are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan
and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times
then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu???ans 18
9) in pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture
10) after 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
11)races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
12)in the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve)
First Round:
Tell me about yourself?
WHat do u know about Accenture?
Second Round:
This was a techical round.
1) Explain architecture of .NET
2) Questions on deploying .Net application
3) Questions on SQL server Index
1) Difference between DataElement & DTD ?
2) Difference between Entity beans in EJB 1.1 & EJB 2.0 ?
3) If there are 100 beans in JNDI & the context.lookup() method takes time to
lookup. How do you handle the situation to make it easy retrieval of the bean ?
4)Servlet is Java class. Then why there is no constructor in Servlet ? Can we write
the constructor in Servlet ?
5) What is a Singleton class. How do you write it ? Tell examples ?
6) Can a JSP be used as controllor in MVC architecture ? If NO, why ?
7) What is the difference between using a HttpSession & a Stateful Session bean ?
Why can’t HttpSession be used instead of Session bean ?
8)Can we override init() method of a Servlet ?
9) Can we call destroy() method forcefully ?
the pattern was :
15 C questions—easy
15 C++ —tough
15 DBMS—medium
15 verbal reasnoing
15 logical —
set theorey is importnat –6 questions overall
mental application
and comparisons on them like which of them r similar and how many r not simmilar
also —3 questions
2. if +is replaced by - ,- by * ,* by / ….sort of then they will give a arithmetic
expression .
solve it using rules of precednce after subsitituion …. —-2 questions
3 .if $ represents 1 and 0 is reprented by * then they as u
find product of 12*56*14 and represent in binary wiht above symbols
example 4 would be rep. as $** . —5 questions
4. four realtionships based —–3 questions
5. simple symonms —-
6. prefer RS agarwal verbal and non verbal to barrons GRE and important topics from
rs agarwal.
actually in accenture there was no aptitude ….
7. english was easy
passage. ..easy way for passage solving is read questions first than read
passage .so that u can find the answers easily.
hr round
tell me about urself
ur family background
ur long and short term goals
where do u see urself 5 yrs from now
talk for 2 minutes on any topic—to test ur communication skills.
best is talk about thier company….they will be impressed about the reasearch u
have done and it shows the interest in their comapny and ur work
techinal round
ur background
os questions ..
dbms features ….and questions ,normalization
differences between c++ and java
java features
oops features ,virtual polymorphisim ,freind function and syntax, types of
polymorphism .
SDLC lifecycle and important phase as per u
testing stages and types—unit testing ,module testing ,sub systems
testing,integration testing and acceptance testing.
types of inheritance
project :
if u have mentioned project they will grill u on this .so be prepared for this …
be cool and confident .
speak clear ,slow and loud .
Round I
This is an aptitude round, there are 3 sections,
Section I: English (Vocab, Comprehension etc)
Section II: Aptitude (R.S. Agarwal should be suffecient)
Section III: Reasoning, pickup any GRE book , it should be sufficient
The aptitude round is pretty much simple
Round II
THis is a GD round, this is also elimination, SO don’t forget to make a
point, they don’t normally see how relevant you speak, its just that you
should speak something and make yourself heard.
Round III
This is an HR round, this is also an elimination round, it will be a casual
talk, for god sake don’t say any thing contoversial and don’t contradict
Round IV
This is a technical round, they will normally ask you questions pertaining
your field of interest and will focus on the projects that you have done,
you should be able to talk about your projects with confidence.
Round V
This is a combination of hr and technical , again the same stuff is
repeated,you need to just hold on , coz you are almost there.
The bottom line is that you should be a good communicator and show
This is the selection procedure :
1)Test :normal agarwal apptitude,English synonyms,RC’s……….(cat pattern basically)
2) GD: ANy general topic picked (make sure u make one valid pt and make ur voice heard int eh crowd of 10 ppl)
3)Hr round: normal Hr Ques(goals long& short ,background,strenghs, weaknesses)
4)Technical rnd:Questions abt the projects u have done(B very well prepared with it)
5)Final rnd:Questions abt ur fav topic(i picked c/c++) .
The questions asked were from the following
1)numerical :
profit & loss, percentages, mixtures,
time and distance, time and work.
2)analytical :
venn diagrams ( if in a class of 40
students, 10 speak only telegu, 20 speak both telegu
and tamil….), probability, drawing conclusions…
3) verbal : was basically easy — just synonyms,
choose the correct one.., passage.
Section 1
1a> In this section 2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
1)Candid:ans frank
2)Specifaction :ans documentation
3) Extradite =deport
4) Cursory= scold
5) ———-= very high
fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions)
pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake.(5 questios).
Section 3-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
i>some cats are dog
ii> no dog is lion
conclusion :
i> some dogs are lion
ii> some dog are cats
a> only 1 follows
b> either I or ii follows
c> none follows
2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are 4 and -20/3..
letter series example aabb-abda-bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
Apptitude Questions
1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these question
2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type.
3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not
exact question).
3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men
(similar to this)
4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
5) (998-1)(998-2)(998-3) ..(998-n)=——- when n>1000 ans is zero
6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit.
numbers are from 0-9
7)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
8) there are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan
and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times
then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu ans 18
9) in pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture
10) after 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
11)races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
12)in the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve)
1 It has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2 Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . In how many days 2 children and 3 men can do the same work.
3 What is the equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5
4 There are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times then what is the number of pe…
5 One man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can finish the same work in —- days
6 In how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last…
7 After 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years
8 In pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the proportion of milk in that mixture
9 If a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .What is the cost price of fan
+ means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of 2+3*5/7
There are three sections.
Section 1-ENGLISH
1. In this section2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
II Synonyms:
1.Candid:ans frank
2.Specifaction :ans documentation
3. Extradite =deport
4. Cursory= scold
5. ———-= very high
III .fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions) pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake (5 questios).
Section IV-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
1 i some cats are dog
ii no dog is lion
conclusion :
i some dogs are lion
ii some dog are cats
a only i follows
b either I or ii follows
c none follows
2 Questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are4 and -20/3..
3 Letter series example aabb-abda?bbaa this type one question a question of this type
4. find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
1. It has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is
the final ratio of milk and water.
2. + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these questio 2+3*5/7 it was two question of
these type.
3. The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not exact question).
4. Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men (similar to this)
5. One man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
6. (998-1)(998-2)(998-3)????..(998-n)=——- when n>1000ans is zero
7. In how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) The last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit. numbers are from 0-9
8. If a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
9. There are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read decca and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu???ans 18
10. In pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture.
11. After 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
12. Races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
13. In the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve) better to go through the following chapters in both Objective arithmetic and Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal, ratio and praportion (4 questions), ages (3 ques ), races and games,time and distance ,time and work, percentages.
For GD
Per team 8 members and they tell us to choose a topic of ourown interest The topics we faced are Advantages
and disadvantages of Internet Betting in cricket should legalized or not Education system in India A discussion on Iraq and America war After finishing the GD you will be given a form.
This interview was conducted for 1 year or more exp. guys in C++.
1) Firstly he asked me about the project and i was thoroughly grilled.
2)Then he asked to list the various types of storage classes and asked me to explain the scope & lifetime
of each one.. (Auto,Static,Register,Extern,and also mutable(only used for classes) )
3) Right shift/Left shift + 1’s complement concepts
then asked me to give the output of this:-
i = 10;
int j = i >> 10;
I appeared in Accenture Technical Interview.
Here is the stuff they asked.
1 dynamic binding
2 normalizations, different normal forms with examples
3 primary key, foreign key, super key
4 waterfall model, spiral model
5 system booting process
6 testing basics
7 what is the output of select * from table1,table2
8 ur latest project, be confident in that
9 multivalued dependency
10 C programs for factorial, palindrome, bubble sort
If you are a recent graduate, This is what you need:
BE CONFIDENT and KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! Smile and show them why you want to work for accenture. Most of the ppl who interview you dont know too much technical, so you should be able to explain them in a way they will understand. Have a mock interview with your friend. and make your resume in their format.
. The Accenture Interview was one of the most easiest interviews that I have ever faced. For people more than 3 years of experience,there are 3 rounds.I had gone for Testing interview.
Round -1
Technical — Basic Questions on testing , like difference between integration and system testing, defect life cycle, elements of a test plan, whether I have used automated tools,basic questios bout Winrunner and Test Director, responsibilities in my last job etc
Round 2 -
HR Interview– Your Strengths, weakness, whether you have gone abroad, why did u leave the last company, if you any gap in education what was the reason etc.
Round 3 -
Senior Management Interview - They will ask you in detail about any one project, why do u want to work in accenture, what is your exposure to quality,whether your last comapny was a CMM level company etc
The questions asked were from the following
1)numerical :
profit & loss, percentages, mixtures,
time and distance, time and work.
2)analytical :
venn diagrams ( if in a class of 40
students, 20 play hockey, 15 play football…), probability, drawing conclusions…
3) verbal : was basically easy — just synonyms,
choose the correct one.., passage.
the test was easy. there were
60 questions( 60 mins).
other rounds:
2) GD: ANy general topic picked (make sure u make one valid pt and make ur voice
heard int eh crowd of 10 ppl)
3)Hr round: normal Hr Ques(goals ,background,strenghs, weaknesses, research about
accenture, why do u prefer accenture to tcs)
4)Technical rnd:Questions abt the projects u have done(B very well prepared with
it),Questions abt ur fav topic(i picked java)
Written :
Same Previous Pattern :
1. Englisi - 20 questions. –easy
2. Apt. - Easy Questions..
1. in a theatre the ratio of car & two
wheeler is 1:8 Total no of tyres are 100
find how many cars and two
Remaining Set Theory….
3. Reasoning :
using +-*? problems……
pattern matching & easy problems.
logical reasoning problems :
some cats are lions.
all lions are tigers.
some problems in that manner.
2. dollar problem(encode).(3 ques)
4. c : easy programs like #pragma startup &
ptr programs
5. c++ : Little bit tough.(see previous
6. DBMS(only for MCA not for BE) : tough
topics are
1. leaders are born or made.
2. education is necessary for politician or not.
3. india wants to continue relationship with pak
or not.
HR Round:
1. when will u complete the course?
2. when will u join in Accenture?
3. willing to relocate?
4. do u have passpot & driving license?
5. why Accenture?
6. what companies u have applied?
7. infosys or verizon or accenture which is best
and why?
8. tell abt urself?
9. what do u know abt accenture?
panel - 1
1.Tell About ur self?
2.Explain SDLC?
3.what is waterfall and spiral model?
4.what is linked list and its types.
5.what are the rules for RDBMS and who developed it?
6.commands in DDL,DML,DCL & TCL?
7.About Normalization and asked real time
8.About Packages in Oracle?
9.Abt Triggers and when it will trigger?(before,after)
10.maximum no. of triggers for row and column in a
11.about Primary key and foreign Key?
other question from the same panel:
1. what is OS?
2. what is Data Structures?
3. what is the function of OS?
if u specified unix in ur resume they asked unix
commands in vi editor.
types of editors in unix?
panel - 2:
1.abt Project?
2.some questions from project?
3.tell abt oops concept?
4.difference bet. c++ & java?
5.factorial program in java?
6.fibonacci series in java using array?
7.count the no. of occurances ‘accenture’ in a file?
the details of selection procedure were as follows:
a written exam was conducted on 8 in meerut consisting of a written
test with five sections & approx. 75 minutes duration.three sections were based on
topics such as verbal,quant.& two were questions were from C & C++.but
there was individual time limit for each section.
next round was a h.r. interview on 21 in delhi.the interviewer asked just
three questions as follows:
why was there a gap in your education after 10+2?
what do u know ab’t accenture?
why do u want work for accenture?
next round was a technical interview on same day & all the questions were
based on
final year project & microprocessor (mainly interrupts & interfacing).
as far as h.r. is concerned be sure to have a good & convincing answer if u
have a gap in important thing i feel that he was looking for was
regarding technical e.c. students should prepare microprocessor.also questions
were asked on signals & systems & common C programs(palindrome,largest of three
numbers etc). from other candidates.just keep u’r basics clear.also all freshers should
have a good knowledge of final year project.
Sanjeev went through a job interview and said:
2.Mental aptitude-R.S should be enough
3.Reasoning-R.S or Barrons
Tha time limit was 75 minutes and 75 questions were there.
total :- 450
written clear :- 80
HR clear :- 45
tech (final) clear :- 28
pattern of written paper and whatever the questions r remember….i m giving to u.
it was a objective paper without negative marking.there was 5 sets common for all and 1 extra(DBMS) set only for M.C.A.’s.
All set conatined 15 question each only and the time given for dbms set (for m.c.a.’s) was 15 minutes and then 75 min common for all.
set were
1- english
2- maths
3- reasining
4- C
5- c++
all were bunch together,time management was upto u.
1- data model is
a) entity b) constriants c) entity relationship d) all the above
ans:- c
2- choise the correct one
select ,emp.age from emp1,emp2 where emp.sno = 456;
a) cluster b) non-cluster c) index d) none of these
3- what is index?
a) atrendum selectio of colum
ans) a
4- match the following
1- one to one a) manager to employ
2- one to many b) employ to employ
3- many to one c) unique object
4- many to many d) employ to manager
a) 1-a ,2-b ,3-c,4-d b) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b c) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b d) 1-d,2-b,3-a,4-c
ans) c
Select from first where first.age = (select first.age from first where first.sno = 3);
a) max b) allen c) rony d) noneof these
THERE were 3 question on same type of queries(u should be good in foreign key relationship and relationship with in a single table).
One question was based on INDEX.
Also one more mapping relationship given based upon the figure.
5 question based upon SIMPLE preposition (dam easy)
3 question from article.
5 questions from a single passage.
4-5 questions of synonyms.(from a given word was bold….for that).
VERY –VERY EASY question from R.S. aggarwal…..(logical based maths).
3 questions based upon equality of number’s …means
three no’s given ……
a) if all equal
b) if 1,2 same
c) if 2,3 same
d) none…..
DAM –easy
3 questions based upon equality of symbols …means
if + means * and * means / and – means + and + means –
then mean of 28*40/4+2-6
8 question upon set theory means
if 100 r selecting in maths
and 90 in physics
120 in chemistry
& 22 in phy& maths both ,33 in maths & chemisty both
44 in ches & phy…11 in all
1) how many only in maths…….
2) Only in physics……
3) Only in chemistry…….
4) how many in atleast 2……
likewise……all were DAM –EASY ,if u r easy with VAN-DIAGRAM…..first make the van-diagram and then use the formula.
4 QUESTION on pointers…
3 on file handling….
2 on functions….
3 structurs and unions
2 from bitwise
1 from memory & space(how much memory this will take)
dear ,if I will say it was DAM-TUFF…I THINK I WILL BE INSULTING of the level of the questions….the syntax of the questions were ununderstandable…some questions were taking more then 1 page….forget abt the solving..noone could read them in 15 mins….
It was total LUCK…try to solve 4-5 …which u can and then put a intelligent guess( or same opt on all) on other……
U can use test ur C skills and explore in C…but paper level was too much from them also.only application part’s were there.
Scope of protected
Virtual function
Static member function
File handling
Question) If error is not catch by first catch statement then what will happen….4 scenario were given…choose 1 among them.
Copy constructor
And other’s were ununderstandable that from which topic they were and which concept we have to folloe????????????????
Really I cann’t inselt this part too by saying DAM-TOUGH……….
Ur luck was really very needed……
Hr – interview
5- HOW MEMEORY WORKS IN a computer system.
6- How recursion works in C.
8- Deference between structure N union.
9- What is ERP…..(ACCENTURE having work in ERP…as we m.c.a’s having ERP in 3rd sem so…the person highlighted or wrote sth in resume ,THEY asked abt ERP from them only).
10- What is reengineering in ERP.
11- IF U HAVE TOO much cash in ur hand, then what u will do in behalf of the company…..
12- Why u want to join accenture….
13- Tell me abt urself.
14- What abt ur strength & weakness.
15- Why I should hire u ??????
17- If u have any question, ask me…..
Pramod went through a job interview and said:
There are three sections.
Section 1-ENGLISH
1a> In this section2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story).
1)Candid:ans frank
2)Specifaction :ans documentation
3) Extradite =deport
4) Cursory= scold
5) ———-= very high
fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions)
pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake.(5 questios).
Section 3-Verbal (20 questions)
Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions)
Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions)
i>some cats are dog
ii> no dog is lion
conclusion :
i> some dogs are lion
ii> some dog are cats
a> only follows
b> either I or ii follows
c> none follows
2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc..
answers of those questions are4 and -20/3..
letter series example aabb-abda?bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this
apti questions:
1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk and water.
2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these question
2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type.
3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not
exact question).
3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done
by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men
(similar to this)
4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in —- dyas
5) (998-1)(998-2)(998-3)????..(998-n)=——- when n>1000ans is zero
6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit.
numbers are from 0-9
7)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is.
8) there are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan
and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times
then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu???ans 18
9) in pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture
10) after 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years ans 49
11)races and games —- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by )
12)in the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve)
First Round:
Tell me about yourself?
WHat do u know about Accenture?
Second Round:
This was a techical round.
1) Explain architecture of .NET
2) Questions on deploying .Net application
3) Questions on SQL server Index
1) Difference between DataElement & DTD ?
2) Difference between Entity beans in EJB 1.1 & EJB 2.0 ?
3) If there are 100 beans in JNDI & the context.lookup() method takes time to
lookup. How do you handle the situation to make it easy retrieval of the bean ?
4)Servlet is Java class. Then why there is no constructor in Servlet ? Can we write
the constructor in Servlet ?
5) What is a Singleton class. How do you write it ? Tell examples ?
6) Can a JSP be used as controllor in MVC architecture ? If NO, why ?
7) What is the difference between using a HttpSession & a Stateful Session bean ?
Why can’t HttpSession be used instead of Session bean ?
8)Can we override init() method of a Servlet ?
9) Can we call destroy() method forcefully ?
the pattern was :
15 C questions—easy
15 C++ —tough
15 DBMS—medium
15 verbal reasnoing
15 logical —
set theorey is importnat –6 questions overall
mental application
and comparisons on them like which of them r similar and how many r not simmilar
also —3 questions
2. if +is replaced by - ,- by * ,* by / ….sort of then they will give a arithmetic
expression .
solve it using rules of precednce after subsitituion …. —-2 questions
3 .if $ represents 1 and 0 is reprented by * then they as u
find product of 12*56*14 and represent in binary wiht above symbols
example 4 would be rep. as $** . —5 questions
4. four realtionships based —–3 questions
5. simple symonms —-
6. prefer RS agarwal verbal and non verbal to barrons GRE and important topics from
rs agarwal.
actually in accenture there was no aptitude ….
7. english was easy
passage. ..easy way for passage solving is read questions first than read
passage .so that u can find the answers easily.
hr round
tell me about urself
ur family background
ur long and short term goals
where do u see urself 5 yrs from now
talk for 2 minutes on any topic—to test ur communication skills.
best is talk about thier company….they will be impressed about the reasearch u
have done and it shows the interest in their comapny and ur work
techinal round
ur background
os questions ..
dbms features ….and questions ,normalization
differences between c++ and java
java features
oops features ,virtual polymorphisim ,freind function and syntax, types of
polymorphism .
SDLC lifecycle and important phase as per u
testing stages and types—unit testing ,module testing ,sub systems
testing,integration testing and acceptance testing.
types of inheritance
project :
if u have mentioned project they will grill u on this .so be prepared for this …
be cool and confident .
speak clear ,slow and loud .
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