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Showing posts with label python for data science nptel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label python for data science nptel. Show all posts
1)Pandas features a number of functions for reading data as a DataFrame object. Which of the following commands are valid?
2)Which of the following is a valid indexing option with DataFrames?
3)Which of the following function allows the use of ‘Lambda expression’ while querying the data?
4)While reading comma-separated values (csv) file into DataFrame., which of the following will be used to set the first column as the index column?
5)Read the given dataset “Tips.csv” as a dataframe “Data”. Which of the following command(s) is/are correct to extract the columns in the following sequence - Time, TotalBill, Tips?
6)Read the given excel sheet ‘Tips1.xlsx’ as a dataframe ‘Data1’. Identify which of the following command (s) is/are correct to merge the two data frames ‘Data’ and ‘Data1’ by columns?
7)Copy the 'Data2' dataframe as 'Data3' (Data3 = Data2.copy()) and identify the command to find the total tips received across Day’s from the dataframe ‘Data3’?
8)Copy the 'Data2' dataframe as 'Data3' (Data3 = Data2.copy()) and find which of the following command (s) gives the count of the Time (‘Dinner' or 'Lunch') across gender?
9)Which of the following plot is a visual representation of the statistical five-number summary of a data?
10)Which of the following statement is not true about histograms?
11)If you have column with categorical variables, which will be the appropriate method to fill
in the NaN’s present in the column?
12)Which of the following is not the right command to fill NaN values?
13)For the given dataframe “Data3” plot a histogram for the variable ‘TotalBill’ to check which range has the highest frequency
14)For the given dataframe “Data3” draw a bar chart for the variable “Day”. Identify the
category with the maximum count
15)Find the mean of the ‘TotalBill’, ‘Tips’ and ‘Size’ across Days from the dataframe ‘Data3’?
16)On which day sum of the total bill was maximum?
17)What will be the output of ‘a’ and ‘b’?
18) n Pandas library, Dataframe class provides a member function to find duplicate rows
based on all columns. Identify the right option.
19)What does the following command do? df.dropna(axis=0, how='all') ?
20)Correlation between two variables X&Y is 0.85. Now, after adding the value 2 to all the
values of X, the correlation co-efficient will be
Practice Assignment 3
1) Which of the following can be inferred from scatter plot of ‘mpg’ (Miles per gallon) vs ‘wt’ (Weight of car) from the dataset mtcars.csv?
Answer : a) As weight of the car increases, the mpg decreases
2) Plot a boxplot for “price” vs “cut” from the dataset “diamond.csv”. Which of the categories under “cut” have the highest median price?
Answer : d) Fair
3) In the churn.csv dataframe, what are the total no. of missing values for the variable TotalCharges?
Answer : c) 15
4) The command used for line plot from the package Matplotlib?
Answer : a) plot()
5) The probability of two different events occurring at the same time is known as
Answer : c) Joint probability