Sunday, February 07, 2010

TCS Technical .Net Interview Questions

TCS Technical FAQs ( .NET , Database , General )

.NET Interview Questions

1. Define .NET architecture

2. Where does ADO.NET and XML web services come in the architecture

3. What is MSIL code

4. Types of JIT and what is econoJIT

5. What is CTS, CLS and CLR

6. Uses of CLR

7. Difference between ASP and ASP.NET

8. What are webservices, its attributes. Where they are available

9. What is UDDI and how to register a web service

10. Without UDDI, is it possible to access a remote web service

11. How a web service is exposed to outside world

12. What is boxing and unboxing

13. What is WSDL and disco file

14. What is web.config and machine.config

15. What is difference between ASP and ASP.NET

16. What is dataset and uses of dataset

17. What does ADO.NET consists of?

18. What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET

19. What do you mean by passport authentication and windows authentication

20. What is an assembly and what does manifest consists

21. What is strong name and what is the purpose of strong name

22. What are various types of assemblies

23. Difference between VB.NET and C#. Which is faster

24. Types of caching

25. How WSDL is stored

26. What is the key feature of ADO.NET compared to ADO

27. How does dataset acts in a disconnected fashion

28. Does the following statement executes successfully:

29.Response.Write(“value of i = ” + i);

30. What is ODP.NET

31. What are the providers available with VS.NET

32. What is a process

33. What is binding in web service

34. How a proxy is generated for a web service

35. About delegates

36. What are static assemblies and dynamic assemlies. Differences between them

Database Interview Questions

37. What are the types of triggers

38. Types of locks in database

39. Types of indexes. What is the default key created when a primary key is created in a table

40. What is clustered, nonclustured and unique index. How many indexes can be created on a table

41. Can we create nonclustured index on a clustered index

42. Types of backups

43. What is INSTEAD OF trigger

44. What is difference between triggers and stored procedures. And advantages of SP over triggers

45. What is DTS and purpose of DTS

46. Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table

47. Types of joins.

48. What is currency type in database

49. What are nested triggers

50. What is a heap related to database

General Interview Questions

• HR Interview Questions

About yourdelf

About procsses followed

Notice period

Appraisal process

What is SOAP and why it is required

About effort estimation

Whether salary negotiable

Why are looking for a change

How fo you appraise a person

Do you think CMM process takes time

About peer reviews

How do you communicate with TL / PM / Onsite team

Infosys .Net Interview Questions

Infosys .Net Interview Questions ( .NET , Database , General )

1. How do you rate yourself in .NET
2. What is caching and types of caching
3. What does VS.NET contains
4. What is JIT, what are types of JITS and their pupose
5. What is SOAP, UDDI and WSDL

6. What is dataset
7. How do you optimize SQL queries


8. Tell about yourself and job
9. Tell about current project
10. What are sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams and difference between them
11. What is your role in the current project and what kinds of responsibilites you are handling
12. What is the team size and how do you ensure quality of code
13. What is the S/W model used in the project. What are the optimization techniques used. Give examples.
14. What are the SDLC phases you have invloved

Keane .Net Interview Questions

Keane .Net Interview Questions ( .NET , Database )
1. Write steps of retrieving data using
2. Call a stored procedure from and pass parameter to it
3. Different type of validation controls in
4. Difference between server.Execute and response.redirect
5. What is Response.Flush method
6. How Response.flush works in server.Execute
7. What is the need of client side and server side validation
8. Tell About Global.asax
9. What is application variable and when it is initialized
10. Tell About Web.config
11. Can we write one page in c# and other in vb in one application
12. When web.config is called
13. How many web.config a application can have
14. How do you set language in web.cofig

Database interview questions
15. How do you rate yourself in oracle and sql server
16. What is E-R diagram
17. Draw E-R diagram for many to many relationship
18. Design database raw er diagram for a certain scenario(many author many books)
19. Diff between primary key and unique key
20. What is Normalization
21. Difference between sub query and nested query
22. Indexes in oracle
23. Query to retrieve record for a many to many relationship
24. Query to get max and second max in oracle in one query
25. Write a simple Store procedure and pass parameter to it

DELL .Net Interview Questions

DELL .Net Interview Questions ( .NET , Database , General )


1. Any disadvantages in Dataset and in reflection

2. Difference between Active Exe and Activex dll

3. Can we make activex dll also ti execute in some process as that of client ? How can we do?

4. Types of compatabilities and explain them

5. Types of instancing properties and explain each. Tell the difference between multiuse,singleuse and globalmultiuse and which is default

6. What is assembly?

7. Difference between COM and .NET component

8. What is early binding and Late binding. Difference which is better

9. What happens when we instantiate a COM component

10. What happens when we instantiate a .NET component

11. Are you aware of containment and Aggregation

12. What is UUID and GUID what is the size of this ID?

13. About Iunknown interface Queue ,its methods Querry Interface Addref,Release and Explane each

14. What ‘ll u do in early and late binding

15. In early binding will the method invoked on com component will verify it’s existance in the system or not?

16. Difference between dynamic query and static query

17. About performance issues on retrieving records

18. About ADO and its objects

19. What is unmannaged code and will CLR handle this kind of code or not .

20. Garbage collector’s functionality on unmanaged code

21. If Instancing = Single use for ActiveX Exe, how will this be executed if there are 2 consecutive client requests ?

22. Threading Types.

23. How about the security in Activex DLL and Activex EXE

Database Interview Questions :

24. Types of cursors and explanation each of them

25. Types of cursor locations and explanation on each of them

26. Types of cursor locks and explanation each of them

27. How do you retrieve set of records from database server.{Set max records = 100 & use paging where pager page no or records = 10 & after displaying 100 records again connect to database retrieve next 100 }

Tell Me about Yourself

“Tell Me about Yourself” Interview Questions and Answers

In brief: “During a job interview, the interviewer can ask many questions. Some of the common questions are the ‘Tell Us about Yourself’ interview questions. Your answers to these questions are important. Make sure that you are prepared for these types of interview questions.”

A job interview is one of the most important personal interactions that an individual does. It is therefore utmost important that a person is well prepared for every aspect of a job interview. In fact, most of the interview time schedule is spent on many aspects of the tough interview questions - “Tell Me about Yourself” and your interview answers.

4 common “Tell Me about Yourself” interview questions and answers

1. A brief summary of your personal details: Your have to give your name, where you are from, your family members and a brief review of your resume. You may also provide any other personal detail that you would feel like providing.

2. Education: You should tell the interviewee about your educational qualifications and any relevant miscellaneous educational qualifications that you might have accumulated.

3. Professional experience: Regular questions during a job interview are “tell me about your professional experience”. Depending on whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, you should share your previous job experiences. If you are a fresher, then, you could tell anything that you think would be relevant for the job. You may provide a scope of your educational capabilities and strengths or any of your hobbies, etc.

4. Your weaknesses and strengths: One of the tricky interview questions that you might be asked is “tell me about your weaknesses and/or strengths”. Therefore, you should make a preparation to such questions. A common mistake is to take strength and present it as a weakness. You should be honest. You may share one-two of your weaknesses and the way you have correct or handled (successfully) these weaknesses. On the other hand, do not boast your strengths. Tell about some of your strengths as positive impacts to your professional capabilities.

6 Tips for “Tell Me about Yourself” interview answers

Try to be as much clear, precise and frank. When interviewing and answering “tell me about yourself” questions, you should avoid common mistakes and stick to the facts as follows:

1. Keep the information crisp and relevant: One of the first things to remember is to keep the information crisp and relevant. Try to speak in short sentences and further, try to give them as much of information in as less a timeframe. Here is a brief idea of what you would be saying:

2. Do not repeat information from the CV: You should ensure that none of the information that you provide about yourself is repeated or duplicate as compared to your curriculum vitae. Therefore, even your curriculum vitae should have only the necessary and relevant information, while all other miscellaneous information should be disclosed during the ‘tell me about yourself’ answers.

3. Fabricated or fake information: Another important thing that you should remember is that you should not give any fabricated or fake information while answering the Tell Me about Yourself Interview question. Background checks today have become very important and strict. Companies are known to sack people even after years of working, simply on the basis of some false information provided to them during the initial interview.

4. Irrelevant and unnecessary information: It is very important that no irrelevant and unnecessary information is given out during the question. The question seems to be quite simple, but it is actually one of those make or break questions, from which an interviewee can never recover and therefore loses the job opportunity.

5. Facts and figures: While telling about yourself, be prepared to be asked further questions about any facts and figures that you have provided. For example, if you have said that you have a Bachelor’s degree, make sure that you carry a copy of the same. Any information given without the relevant proof for it is deemed as suspicious and ambiguous.

6. Do Not Tell them about: You should not disclose too much information for the interviewer. You might tell that your hobby is fishing, but telling about your last fishing trip in which you missed a big fish would be too much information, unless the interviewer is a big fishing fan and actually goads you into telling the details. Also, you should not give them too much information about your family members. Of course, you would have to inform them about the number of family members that you have, and whether they work or not, and if yes, where, those kinds of details, but telling them anything apart from that is not suggested.


Wipro Infotech .NET interview Questions

Wipro Infotech .NET interview Questions (05Feb2010)

1. when you will use HttpHandlers

2. what you will impiment in HttpModule

3. In the Page , suppose in preRender value=x and in the pageload value=y after page loads which value will be displayed.

4. how you will improve the webapplication performance.

5. What is Agile methodology ? which methodolgy followed in your project ?

6. How many members can be work by implimenting Scrum/Iteration methods ?

7. What is Ajax ?

8. Difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous ?

9. which is the best gridview or repeater

10. exception handling in stored proc.. how you will catch an error message

11. exception handling in application..(expecting log files to be create in production live )

12. how many members involve in scrum methodology

13. how u implimented design patterns in ur projects

14. how you will reduce the page size

15. what will happen if we use response.buffer and response.flush

16. how u will refresh the page using .net code

17. what is webservice

18. what is soap

19. how u will consume the webservice in application

20. how u will set proxy to access webservice

21. what is wsdl

22. Windows and Forms Authentication

24. In Forma Authentication how you will validate the users if it is in database

25. When you will use State Server and SqlServer

26. State Management

27. Valid XML format

28. programming : Write a code in Ajax ,select one dropdownlist based on that it should reflect in another dropdownlist

29. programming : In table , having States as a coulmn. based on coumn it should be displayed a record using DataTable

30. programming : select dropdownlist based on that it should be displayed on Gridview

31. programming : In gridview, first column value should be displayed tooltip

32. programming : need to popup dialog box every 20 min ok and cancel button should be displayed

in the ok button and the cancel button code what code you will write.

Wipro Sharepoint Interview Questions

Wipro Infotech Sharepoint Interview Questions (MOSS)

1) Can you introduce your self ? What is your Responsibilities in This Project..?

2) Have you ever worked on Master page..? What is the use of master page..? Can you tell me , I want to put the

Dropdown control in master page, and this dropdown control should populate the data from database..?

3) How can you create and deploy the workflows by using Visualstudio 2005, tell me the stepwise

4) Can you tell me how to create the HRLeaveapproval workflow by using SPDesinger..?

5) What is the use of infopathforms.?
I have the List called ”Employees”,in that there is a Field called ” Department”,
I want to Fill the Department names in the infopathform control
( eg: Take the Dropdown control , i want to fill this Department names in Dropdowncontrol)

6) 10 users entering the data in infopath forms and submit the data,
now i want to generate the reports for those 10 users, how can you do this ..?

7) What is the use of BDC…?

8) How can you Configure the Enterprise Search ..?

9) What are the Base class methods you used in developing custom webparts..?

10)How many ways you can deploy the custom webparts ? with out install in GAC,
is there any other way to deploy ..?

11) About Execl Services,

12) Feature event receivers Classes…?

13) What is the use of “Run with elevated Previliages”…?

BlueStar Infotech .Net Interview Questions

BlueStar Infotech .Net Interview Questions

1)Interfaces and Abstract classes
( Definitions , Advantages , differences , on which scenarious you will iplimemnt both )

2) OutputCache (How you will impliment Cache in your application )

3) Tell me about OOPS concept

4) What is Polymorphism, explain the scenario

5) What are the Securites in WCF

6) what is CLS (Common Language Specification ) ?

(Definition , types (private and shared assembly) brief explanation

8) Clustered and Non-clustered index

9) what is WCF, WPF , WWF, WCS

10) Userlevel securites

11) what is Encapuslation

12) what is Endpoint?

13) How u will host in WCF

14 Sessions , Cookies , Caching

Sql Server Interview Ouestion :

15) table structure

16) Sql server 2005 features


18) Did you ever tried with LINQ give me the example

19) StateManagement

20) Differences between functions and StoredProcedures

21) what is Instead of Trigger

22) Stored Procedures

13) What is Lock ?

14) What is Optimistic and Pessimitic in (locking , Cursors)

17) views

22) table structure

23) Sql server 2005 features


KARVY .Net Interview Questions

KARVY .Net Interview Questions

1. What is ViewState (brief description)
2. what will happen if put runat="server"
3. page load events
4. Caching in
5. IsPostBack
6. difference between HTML controls and web controls
7. Regular Expressions
8. abstract class and interfaces

SQL Server Interview Questions
9. select * from employee where 10000=20000

10. select * from employee e1 where e1.col1=1

11. select * from employee e1 where ename not in
(select * from employee e2 where e2.creativedat<='01/11/91')

Microsoft SqlServer Interview Questions

1) what are the new features in SqlServer 2008 ?

2) what is the purpose of MERGE in SqlServer 2008?
why do we need ?

3) How many tables can we create in single database ?
Can we create 1 lakh tables in a single database ?

4) How many columns can we create in a single table ?
Can we insert data which having datatype varchar(8000) for each column ?

5) Where can we get total rowcount ?

6) Insert a query by using single quote .
Suppose Employee is a table, Ename is column.
How you will insert Jagan's Interview in Ename column

7) Brief description of Delete & Truncate

8) What is the use of identity ?
for suppose total 10 rows are in a table
Identity is (1,1) and i deleted all rows by using Delete statement
if i inserted 11th row in a table. What will be the identity value
if i truncated all rows and if i inserted 11th row in a table.
What will be the identity value (give me brief explanation)

9) Can we drop Clustered index without dropping a primary key.
Can we created Clustered index in another column. what Clustered index will do

10) I want to delete a record and i want to insert that record in another table.
Write a query in a single statement.
Ans) need answer

11) what is Unit testing and integrated testing ?
if i'm modifying a column datatype varchar(100) to varchar(50) in database.
Now the application is in production ? Are you will do Unit testing or Integrating testing.
Is it will effect to application ? did we need to check the validation ?

12) Have you worked on DTS package ?

13) Have you worked on SSIS ?

NessTechnologies .Net Interview Questions

1. Differences .NET Framework versions ( 2.0 , 3.0 , 3.5 )

2. LINQ ( samples ) , Advantages / Disadvantages

3. WCF Services

4. Web services - Java cosumptions

5. Web services -exposing

6. - any deploying problems

7. Hosting Environment

8. page life cycle

9. Authentication and Authorization

10. Assemblies ( GAC , Load , diff versions - > bending redirect )

11. Generics - Advantages

12. static constructors and static methods

13. Callbacks ( Scripts callbacks )

14. Asynchronous callbacks using Delegates

15. DOM parsers

16. Ctype and Ptype

17. Design patterns

18. String and String.Builder

19. state management

20. Array Reverse

21. interface and abstract

22. polymorphism

23. Enterprice library differences (hpw u will replace 4.0 on 3.0)

SQL Server Interview Questions:

24. How u will pass parameters in procedure through programming ( count of paramters )

25. sp_help_text

26. how to find duplicate records and to delete

27. cursors

28. indexing

29. excepting handling in stored proc

ValueLabs .Net Ineterview Questions

1.Give some Scenario for Non Clustered index?

2.Can we write system defined functions in side The Function?

3.What is the Unique Data type?

4.I have a table in which phno is one of the columns.i do have some values in tht phno column.
i need to update phno column values with 0(zero) as prefix.give me a correct solution plz.

5.what is IDE,DMV in sql server?

6.Where is global assembly cache located on the system?

7.What is the difference between functional test type and navigation test type?

8.What is an assembly?

9.Give difference between Intranet application, client server application, and web based application
Are applications developed in Java, html, servletts client server or web based..

10.Is web based application a 2 tier or 3 tier application.

11.what is 2 tier and 3 tier application.

12.How can we Achieve Late binding in C#.Can any give one example.

13.Difference between regression testing and re-testing u get the build ?what is the size of the build?

15.Can we share session between ASP.Net & ASP

16.Which Security Algorithm used to encrypt the data? a) DES b)RC2 c)Triple DES d)All the above

17.Can we Classic ASP,.Net 1.0, .Net 1.x and .Net 2.0 installed on the same system?

18.what is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable

19.Difference between DataGrid and Girdview?

20.Difference b/w .Net 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 ?

21.Diff b/w dispose & Finalize Methods?

SQL Server Interview Questions :
1.What is the difference Between Sql-server 2000 & 2005

2.What is the use of placing primary key and foreign key constrains on columns.

3.What is the difference between distinct clause and group by clause?

4.Can I remove the default constraint columns in SQL SERVER?