Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Professional Scrum Master Certification | 50 Most Frequent Questions and...

What is Scrum?

What is the Sprint Backlog?

Who participates in the Sprint Planning?

What are the Scrum Artifacts?

Who is allowed to participate in the Daily Scrum?

Who is responsible for all estimates in the Product Backlog?

How does the Scrum Master serve the Organization?

Who is responsible for crafting the Sprint Goal at the Sprint Planning?

What happens during the Sprint?

The Scrum Master does the following regarding the Daily Scrum:

What are Product Backlog features?

Who has the authority to cancel the Sprint?

Who is responsible for all estimates in the Product Backlog?

How does the Scrum Master help the Product Owner?

Could the Product Owner and the Scrum Master be a part of the Development Team?

The Scrum Team consists of

What is the result of the Sprint Review?

Who is responsible for creation of the Definition of “Done”?

Who is responsible for creation of the Definition of “Done”?

Who is allowed to make changes \Who is responsible for managing the Product Backlog?

What happens when a Sprint is cancelled?

What is the input to the Sprint Planning?

What is the Increment?

Who is responsible for the Product Backlog?

In which meetings the Key Stakeholders are allowed to participate?

What are the three pillars that uphold Scrum?

What are the three most applicable characteristics of the Product Owner?

What is the order of items in the Product Backlog?

The Daily Scrum time-box depends on the size of the Development team.

Who is responsible for coping with incomplete artifact transparency?

How much time does the Sprint Planning take?

Who participates in the Sprint Review?

Who is allowed to change the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

What are the three main questions each member of the Development Team should answer at the Daily Scrum?

How does the Scrum Master serve the Development Team?

What are the characteristics of a Development Team?

A time-box for each Scrum event.

What are the three main qualities the team model in Scrum is designed to optimize?

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog?

Adding more resources to a Scrum project increases productivity and the delivery of value proportionally.

The purpose of ALL Sprints is to produce a Done Increment of working product.

Average items in the Product Backlog are usually…

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog?

Who’s in the Scru Team? (Choose multiple answers)

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog?

Which of the following are common Product Owner activities during the Sprint? (Choose 2 answers)

Which output of the Sprint Planning provides the overall direction for the Sprint?

Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?

The maximum length of the Sprint Review (its time-box) is:

Who estimates the work of the newly identified items?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Agile Interview Question and Answers

What is Agile?
Agile methodology is an approach to project management, typically used in software development.
It helps teams respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative work cadences,
known as sprints. This methodology that inspired it: waterfall, or traditional sequential development.

Why Agile?
Agile development methodology attempts to provide many opportunities to assess the direction of a project throughout the development lifecycle. Agile methodology could be described as “iterative” and “incremental.” In waterfall, development teams only have one chance to get each aspect of a project right. In an agile paradigm, every aspect of development — requirements, design, etc. — is continually revisited throughout the lifecycle. When a team stops and re-evaluates the direction of a project every two weeks, there’s always time to steer it in another direction.

What is Agile software development ?
Adaptable software creation, also known as agile software development. Agile development is a style of software development that emphasizes customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of functional software. Based on a variety of iterative development disciplines including extreme programming (XP), agile methods put developers to work in small teams to tight budgets and short timescales. In contrast to traditional software development methods, agile developers liaise continuously with business clients, aiming to deliver working software as frequently as every two weeks during a project, and welcome changes to the requirement in response to evolving business needs

What are the Advantages of Agile Methodology?
–> Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software
–> Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
–> Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication
–> Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
–> Working software is the principal measure of progress
–> Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
–> Simplicity
–> Regular adaptation to changing circumstances
–> Self-organizing teams
–> Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
–> Even late changes in requirements are welcomed (this does not mean code & run.
Instead removing an existing feature or moving a deadline forward to accommodate late/unplanned feature requests

What are Agile Methods?
–> Agile Modeling
–> Scrum
–> Agile Unified Process (AUP)
–> Agile Data Method
–> Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
–> Extreme programming (XP)
–> Feature Driven Development (FDD)
–> Getting Real
–> Open Unified Process (OpenUP)
–> Lean software development

What are Agile practices?
–> Test Driven Development (TDD)
–> Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
–> Continuous Integration
–> Pair Programming
–> Planning poker

What is Agile Testing?
Testing practice for projects using agile methodologies, treating development as the customer of testing and emphasizing a test-first design paradigm.

What is Application Binary Interface (ABI)?
A specification defining requirements for portability of applications in binary forms across defferent system platforms and environments.

What are the different approaches to testing on agile development projects?
1. You want to test as early as you possibly can because the potential impact of a defect rises exponentially over time In fact, many agile developers prefer a test-first approach.
2. You want to test as often as possible, and more importantly, as effectively as possible, to increase the chance that you will find defects. Although this increases your costs in the short term, studies have shown that greater investment in testing reduces the total cost of ownership of a system due to improved quality.
3. You want to do just enough testing for your situation: Commercial banking software requires a greater investment in testing than membership administration software .
4. Pair testing, just like pair programming and modeling with others, is an exceptionally good idea.