Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alliance Global Service .Net interview Questions

Alliance Global Service .Net interview Questions

What is WebService ?

Why do we need WebService only ?

How you will do WSDL in command prompt?

What is callback ?

What happens Callback in Ajax ?

Key Identifiers

What is WSE.exe ?

What is XSLT ?

There is optional parameter in VB.Net , how will use use optional parameter in C#?

Normalization & DeNormalization

What is Connection pooling ?

What is Trigger?

Difference between UNION and UNIONALL


Anonymous said...

What is connection pooling
Opening database connection is a time consuming operation.
Connection pooling increases the performance of the applications by reusing the
active database connections instead of create new connection for every request.
Connection pooling Behavior is controlled by the connection string parameters.
Follwing the the 4 parameters that control most of the connection pooling
1. Connect Timeout
2. Max Pool Size
3. Min Pool Size
4. Pooling

Anonymous said...

Hi Jagan,

please let me know the answers for the following questions...

1. How do you secure a webservice?
2. How do u overload a webmethod?
3. How do u secure a webpage?
